Lean and Green Recipes – Get Skinny Be Happy! (2024)

  • Asian Spinach Salad
  • Asian Stir Fry
  • BBQ Meatloaf Muffins
  • Broccoli and Chicken
  • Celery Salad
  • Chicken and Mushrooms
  • Chicken Enchilada Bake
  • Chicken Strips
  • Cranberry Salad
  • Cream of Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup
  • Cumin Lime Steak
  • Deviled Dill Eggs
  • Dill Egg Salad
  • Egg Wrap
  • Garlic Broccoli
  • Garlic Ginger Chicken with Spinach and Bell Peppers
  • Grilled Chicken Salad
  • Grilled Lamb Chops with Zuchini
  • Hummus
  • Italian Zucchini Bake
  • Jamaican Jerk Chicken
  • Kale Salad
  • Lean and Green Taco Salad Recipe
  • Lean and Green Tuna Salad
  • Lemon Chicken (Crockpot-style!)
  • Light Tuna Casserole
  • Mediterranean Grilled Chicken
  • Mesquite Grilled Shrimp
  • Mock Pasta Salad
  • Peppercorn Steak
  • Pork Roast with Asparagus
  • Salmon and Veggies
  • Salmon on Spinach Sauce
  • Shrimp with Garlic and Basil
  • Spanish Chicken (Crockpot-Style!)
  • Spicy Chicken Stir-Fry
  • Turkey Lettuce Wraps
  • Turkey Taco
  • Very Veggie Dip
  1. Thank you for the recipes, it’s as if you gleaned the best recipes (from my perspective) from the medifast community and wherever and posted them here in one place. I’m overjoyed with the medifast program, but a little tired of my same ole L&G meals. Can’t wait to try these. Especially hummus…yum.

    I started Medifast six months ago and it’s saving my life. I’m down 74 pounds so far. Pretty good for a woman in spitting distance of a Medicare card who is not that active. Like you, social occasions can be hard for me. I do want that glass of wine with dinner. But I don’t really care about ketosis as much as calories so I stop there and it hasn’t seemed to have slowed things that much.

    Best wishes on YOUR medifast journey,



    1. Hi Terri – Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment. 74 pounds is amazing! Congratulations! Very inspirational.

      If you try the hummus, be sure to let us know what you think.



  2. Hi,

    I started Medifast on Nov 1, 1009 weighing 222.8; wearing a 3X top (22-24) and 20W pants. As of March 27, 2010 I weigh 160, down 62.8 pounds.

    I went out to buy some dressy pants and jacket yesterday for Easter as I REALLY didn't have anything to wear and was so thrilled when I ended up getting a size 12 Petite pants and a size 10 Jacket!! What a thrill. I am 25 pounds from my goal of 135, I expect to be there by this summer.

    I have made a meat muffin recipe that you might like. It makes 12 meat muffins, I use the teflon muffin pans, spray with Pam Olive Oil.

    This recipe makes 3 Lean and 3 Medifast meals.

    1# Extra Lean Ground Beef; 1 MF package each of oatmeal (any varity), scrambled eggs, tomato soup; whatever spices you like – I put in parsley flakes, dried onion, garlic powder, Montreal Steak Seasoning, a squirt of mustard, Worchestishire Sauce, (you get the idea). ( I also use ground Flax Seed and add 2 scoops, this does thicken it up some, so you might want to keep to 1-1/2 cups of water if you don't add the Flax Seed. ) Add 1-1/2 – 1-3/4 cups of water and mix well, the mixture will be sloppy. Fill 12 muffin pans equally full. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 – 45 minutes until firmly set.

    Hope you like them. I eat them hot or cold. I can't eat all four at one time with my veggies so I usually eat 1 or 2 sometime during the day (which makes up1 Medifast Meal and partial Lean) and the balance at dinner.

    If you have any questions write me at JugJock@Gmail.com or visit my Website at http://www.Healthforyou.tsfl.com

    Wishing you all a healthy long life.


    1. Dear Judy,
      I’d like to try the meat muffins but I didn’t quite understand the instructions. what does it mean that it makes “3 lean and 3 medifast meals”? Does it mean that 4 muffins equals your lean portion of your lean and green, plus one of your medifast meals for the day? And how much is “two scoops” of flax meal? Do we use three oatmeals PLUS one scrambled eggs and one tomato soup? Or do we use one oatmeal, one scrambled egg, and one tomato soup? And do you brown the hamburger first, or let it cook in the muffins while they bake?

      Thanks for your recipe, and congratulations on your weight loss. i just started on the diet one week ago and I’m having problems with abdominal cramps and diarrhea. You encourage me.



  3. An update on me. As of 7/15/10 I have lost 96 pounds since Nov. 1, 2009. I am now down from a 3X/22-24 to a size 6 pants and S-M Petite top (depending on style) Not too bad for a 69 year old gal. I am 5 pounds from goal, but since I have started excercising, I have added muscle (which weighs more than fat) and so really feel I have meet my goal weight.

    I am thrilled with my success and so are all my doctors.


    1. Hey Judy! Awesome progress! I love to hear the success stories. You are doing great!


    2. Hi Judy,
      I am not sure if you still go on here and check this but I wanted to say congratulations on your weight loss. I put in my first order and it is expected to arrive in 6 days and so I am going to start it on the next day which will be a Friday. If you are still on the program or even if not, I would like to email with you so we can chat about the program. I am 31 year old and I have a 10 month old baby and I want to lose about 50 pounds. I am so excited about this program I have heard many great things. I don’t have many friends and I would really like to meet some people who are on or have been on Medifast so that way we can help each other out. My boyfriend is not supportive and does not want me to lose weight for some reason. So I think maybe having a little group of friends online will encourage me and lift me up when he tries to knock me down. Thanks everyone and my email is salasaje@yahoo.com


      1. Hi Jae,

        I will email with you. It is hard when you do not have the support system. I have a wonderful health coach. I can give you that information to if you like. I live in so CA. I’m 33 and looking to loose 75 lbs. I have been on the program for 3 days and loving it.

        heres to you.



        1. Hi Amy:
          I’ve just placed my first MF order and will begin the program as soon as if arrives. I’m 35 and would be interested in corresponding with a few people in my age group who are in the same stage of life. If you are interested in cheering each other on, what is the easiest way to stay in touch with you?


      2. Hi Jae: I’ve just placed my first order and will begin MF as soon as the order arrives. I’m 35 and would love to correspond with a few people my age who are in the same stage of life, dealing with some of the same pressures…Will send you a message at your yahoo email in the next couple of days. Hope you’re sticking to your plan. Remember: “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels”! I’m rooting for you!


    3. Judy, You are AMAZING! I love Medifast. I have lost 27 pounds in 3 months! I feel great and am wear a size 10. I am 25 pounds away from my goal weight! Keep up the good work. Jenny


  4. Love your recipes. This one just came up recently on the TSFL message board. Don’t know if you’ve seen it but it sounds yummy. Going to try it myself tonight.


    1/4 cup Egg Beaters (1/8 Lean)
    3/8 cup (which = 1/4 cup + 2 Tbs.) 2% low fat shredded Mexican 4 cheese variety for a
    firmer crust (3/8 lean)
    1 cup Fresh Raw Cauliflower and then shred in a food processor (2 greens)
    Dash of Italian spices (optional)

    Mix together and put into a Pam sprayed foil pie pan. Pat down so it all sticks together.
    Bake 20 min at 450 till it starts to turn brown then flip it over and bake another 10 minutes. I made 4 crusts at a time so that I can freeze them and have a quick pizza if I’m low on time.

    2 tsp Ragu Pizza Quick sauce – it’s only .5g of sugar (2 condiments)
    1/4 cup 2% low fat shredded Mozzarella cheese (1/4 lean)
    1/4 cup of the Morning Star Sausage crumbles (1/4 lean)
    1/2 cup of veggie – bell peppers, mushroom, etc. (1 green)

    Put back in oven for about 10 minutes so that the cheese melts.


    1. tried the “pizza” last night and it was delicious! Definitely recommend.


    2. This sounds great … but the cheese isn’t part of the “lean & green” program … is this for later in the program when foods are re-introduced?


      1. Hi Liz, not sure if you check this board or not, being your post was 2 months ago. YOu most likely have learned that the cheese portion of the above recipe is from the “meatless options” which are allowed on the Medifast 5 & 1 plan. Hopefully your coach sent you that PDF file. If not, please feel free to email me at: peaches@alesseryou.com and I will email it to you. Have a great day!


    3. What size pie pans are you using? Is says you make four. Do you double the receipe or what? Sorry I am new at this and confused


    4. This is DELISH!!!! I can’t believe how good it is. The cheese really makes this taste like “pizza” when added to the cauliflower and egg-beaters. Thank you, thank you! I will be making this once a week!


  5. Thank you so much for these recipes! My husband and I started the program two weeks ago. I am not a very creative cook we are quickly becoming tired of a hunk of meat and a salad. Can’t wait to try some of these!


  6. I have some good recipes to share. I have only been on this one week but I like to eat and I have been trying to get pretty creative.

    I cooked some bone in pork chops in a non stick pan with a little cooking spray. Started on high heat to brown them a little. When browned on both sides I reduced the heat and removed the chops. I added a cup of chicken broth and scraped the pan to get up any drippings. I then added like an 8th of a teaspoon of horseradish, black pepper and a table spoon of horseradish mustard. Turned heat on high again and let it boil a few minutes. Reduced heat and added mushrooms. I put the pork chops back in the pan covered and let them cook on pretty low heat until they were cooked through. The sauce will thicken and comes out quite nice. I also steamed some asparagus and that made my lean and green meal. (1 cup asparagus and 1/2 cup mushrooms.) I weighed the pork after trimming all of the fat and kept it 5 oz. Let me know what you think of it. I have some others to post but I gotta get cooking because I am hungry!


    1. im gonna try your recipe….it sounds really good!ty for sharing it with us…



    When things get insane in my house … the trusty roasted chicken from the store is a life saver. My husband likes dark meat (yippee) so that leaves the nice and lean white meat for me. His part of the chicken becomes a variety of things that are not on my diet, but easily made. One of the more challenging things is to come up with grab and go “lean and green” meals. Here is one of my favorites that I can take when we go to people’s houses or BBQ’s etc.

    Nice flexible tops of romaine leaves (bottoms can be saved for salad!), red or yellow bell pepper sliced paper thin (a mandolin is a blessing!), sweet or spanish onion also sliced paper thin, boneless/skinless chicken (or turkey) breast sliced very thin against the grain. Lay out your nice big romaine leaves and place a nice amount (1 to 1.5 oz) of chicken in the center of the leaf cross ways and to the edge. Scatter the paper thin slices of onion and pepper over the top of the chicken and then drizzle any approved ranch dressing over the top (I thin mine a tiny bit and it takes less than a serving to make four of these “roll ups”). Roll these beauties up and use a toothpick to hold them together. Wrap in plastic wrap or waxed paper and you are ready to go! I promise you … people will ask to taste and be jealous when they do – yummmmm! Enjoy!


  8. My husband and I just started this program this week and I tried for the first time today the oatmeal…It was horrible. Can anyone give me a few ideas to make it taste a little better? I have to drink water with every spoon full like it was a pill. I couldn’t eat it all because it was so nasty.


    1. Try adding a little bit of maple extract or some sugar free pancake syrup. It makes the oatmeal a little bit easier to swallow from what I found.


    2. Try one of these, found them at http://wholenewme06.tripod.com/id14.html

      Oatmeal Muffin Recipe 1 Packet Medifast Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal 1 tbsp vanilla extract 1/8 tsp salt 1/2 tsp canola oil 2 tsp cinnamon 1 packet Splenda 1/8 tsp baking powder 1/2 c water Pre-heat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients together. Add extra water, if necessary to get medium think consistency, enough to fill three mini muffin cups. Spray cups with no fat cooking oil before filling and bake for 12-14 minutes at 350.

      You can make oatmeal cookies with the apple cinn. oatmeal: 1 package app.cinn.oatmeal 1/4 tsp cinnamon 3 tsp splenda 1/8 c. water 1/8 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Mix all dry ingredients. Add extract & water. Stir until moistened. Set aside for 5 to 10 min. to get right consistency. Place on pan spray with pam. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes. (I usually make 3 cookies) They taste great. You’ll feel like you are getting a treat. Make sure you get them golden brown. They will be spongy but still good.

      Oatmeal Pancakes

      1 pkt Medifast Oatmeal
      3 tsp Splenda
      1/8 tsp baking powder
      1/3 cup water
      1/2 tsp vanilla extract

      Preheat pancake griddle or pan.
      Mix all dry ingredients together. Add extract and water. Stir until moistened. Set aside for 5 minutes to allow ingredients to achieve appropriate consistency.

      Spray pan with butter flavored Pam. Pour mixture onto pan and spread out to form a pancake. Cook over med/low heat until set on one side. Turn to set on opposite side. Turn up heat to Med/High and brown on both sides.

      Top with “I can’t believe it’s not butter” spray and sugar free syrup.

      I had the pancakes this morning and thought they were much better than just the oatmeal. I’m sure you can use any flavor oatmeal with the muffins and cookies, not just apple cinnamon. I plan on trying the others sometime soon! Hope these help!


    3. I don’t know which flavor you had but some are good and some are just plain icky (my opinion). The Maple and Brown sugar one isn’t bad at all if you add pumpkin spice or just some cinnamon and a pinch of splenda. The blueberry oatmeal is my favorite and I add 1/2 a teaspoon (measure!) of sugar free blueberry preserves (Smuckers). Less than 2 calories and less than a gram of carbohydrate and makes all the difference in flavor. My husband uses sugar free grape jam and I have substituted that … funny … the oatmeal still tastes like blueberry.


    4. Samika, I just started too and I had the same exsperience but the next time I used more water and I did not microwave it as long. Good luck!


    5. Put a splash of vanilla in it.. I dont care for the maple brown sugar oatmeal but the apple cinnamon oatmeal is ok. Those are not my favorites either.


    6. Hey Samika,
      I’ve been advised to add about a tablespoon of regular oatmeal to the mix, which I always do. But I also add either a tbls. of flax meal or a tlbs. of wheat germ. After it’s cooked, I smother it in cinnamon. Hope that helps!


      1. I’m 4 weeks in and i really don’t like the oatmeal either. I tolerate it by adding a lot of hot water to it. Don’t put it back in the by the time it sets up its not too stiff.
        A tip for the cappucino is to make it in the blender with lots of ice

    7. I let the oatmeal sit longer so that it gets thick, it is much better that way than thin and soupy. Also I add cinnamon a sugar substitute before I microwave it, taste 100% better.


      1. Adding a teaspoon of sugar free jelly improves the taste.


    8. I add a lot more water to keep it creamier and a packet of trivia


  9. I am easily bored with the same old flavors … want to try something exceptional with your firm white fish or chicken breast????? 1 Tablespoon of sugar free marmalade (Smuckers) mixed with a bit of Dijon Mustard and a bit of warm water to thin it to a “glaze” and put in your mini-blender (you can double and refrigerate for future use). This takes the wonderful orange rind and reduces it to a smoother texture so everything gets the “tang”. Use this when grilling … my husband REALLY likes it … we have also used it on pork tenderloin on the grill.

    I take a whole small can of Chipotle chiles in adobo and put it in my mini blender until fairly smoothe. Put it in a zip freezer bag and work it down to a log and roll up. When frozen you can slice off (tsp or Tbsp) exactly what you need for a recipe and put the rest back in the freeer (I do the same thing with pesto). For the above recipe using the marmalade … substitute a bit of this chipotle puree and you can use it on anything but fish (it seems to really overpower the fish) … good on steak (marinade in mix first) and then slice the steak thin and saute red onion and green pepper to make a “false” fajita rolled up in romaine!


  10. I have been one the program for a week as of tomorrow and I weighed in this tuesday and lost 4.6 lbs its amazing I couldnt believe it that all that I needed was to eating more times a day and cutting the calories.. I was working out after I had the baby in August and from October to February I lost no weight .. I was tired of not seeing weight loss results even going 3 times a day. I am so happy that this is for me and my boyfriend is so supportive. I have not touched soda or candy since January 4th so that was something that was not hard for me to cut .. I am happy now and even though there are many temptations for food around I have learned that I am strong willed and can do this. i need to lose 87 pounds and I am on my way to leading a happier life. Also, I have tried some of the meals in the cookbook but I hate green peppers, red peppers, yellow peppers. I have been using mushrooms or broccoli for substitute. I need more recipes and I dont eat seafood.


  11. I started the Medifast Program February 7, 2011 and struggled for 2 weeks, but because of the money I spent I was not going to give up. I must say my Health Coach helped me through. Exactly 2 weeks and 1 day it kicked in for me and I am now so committed that I really don’t want anything to with fast foods, carbs, sugars or fats. I have now lost 30 lbs and the compliments are wonderful to hear. I am a 62 year old women who was ready to give up and just be “fat”. The receipes are great and quick. Medifast is a great opportunity to become “Fit for Life”


  12. I personally HATE the parmasean cheese puffs, but i ordered them with my first order, and managed to choke down a few bags, but couldnt bring myself to eat the rest of them alone. So, I used them for parmasean crusted chicken! Very yummy! I crushed them up real fine and added some garlic, and coated a chicken breast, cooked with some olive oil, and voila! A delicious way to eat the cheese puffs! I also added a few almonds! very good!!! 🙂

    Thanks for the recipes!!!!


    1. I agree that they taste horrible! Thanks for this suggestion!


  13. Try Monin O’Free caramel syrup sweetened with Splenda in the oatmeal. You may like it more. What I love about the oatmeal is that it keeps you full for 3 hours until your next meal.


  14. These recipes are GREAT – I don’t know what to have tonight!


  15. Thanks for the great recipes. I must say I miss fruit especially this time of year. This is only my second week down 6 pds but man when I go to the store and see the peaches and plums OH MY!


    1. Bette, I am also a fruit lover. We have fruit trees on our property and I do a lot of canning. I’ve only been on the program 3 days, but I’m so happy that I haven’t had any cravings for sweets yet. I did have a terrible headache the first day but have not had one since. I have 80 lbs to lose to reach my goal. Maybe I can achieve my goal before the fruit crop ripens next spring. I’ll have to experiment with some sugarfree jelly receipes. Good luck to your success. I am really visualizing this working for me!


  16. Starting day 1 over again…have been starting over several times but this time seems different and I’m more determined than ever. I will definitely try these recipes out since repeating the same lean and green meal every week has not really worked for me. Looking forward to getting skinny and being happy. 🙂


  17. I started the Medifast Diet on July 4th (my Independence Day!). I have now lost 46 pounds and have only 1 more to go til I reach my goal!!! I feel so good, am so much more flexible and went from a XL to a medium and a 14 to a 8 or 10. I haven’t been exercising very consistantly so I need to do that. But, it is sooo nice to have a waist and actually have clothes be baggy instead of tight. My family hasn’t seen me since August so I can’t wait to see their reaction!!!! Martha


  18. My husband and I started 3 days ago. Maybe it’s me hoping but I feel better already. We do have headaches and sore legs but I read that will go away in a week. I’m learning to cook the meal replacements, more water and less cook time seems best. I seem to want to eat more lettuce with the lean and green. Also, is anyone trying this with a glass of wine and are being successful?


  19. Thanks for the recipes and idea sharing, this is my tenth day and I’m really happy that there are things I can do to these meals in order to make them edible!

    I have a L&G I’d like to share. I tried this for the first time the other night, and had it again last night. I put about a teaspoon or so of olive oil in a hot pan, and add a couple tablespoons of finely diced red peppers. Add 4-5 ounces of shrimp, a cup of chopped fresh spinach and 1/2 cup of baby portabellos. Scramble an egg and an egg white and pour over everything, then mix it all up. Top it all off with a couple tablespoons of salsa, and it tastes incredible. I love it !


    1. Lisa, that sounds amazing!! Thanks for sharing!


  20. These look awesome! I just started medifast on Friday and am now looking forward to making these! Also, the below comments are inspirational knowing that medifast worked for all of you!


  21. Great Blog, thank you for sharing great recipes! Good luck on your health journey, you are inspiring many! Warmest Regards, Yvette 🙂 Colorado


  22. Been on Medifast since March, 2012. Down 25lbs, 38″ yah…..but feel as though I am platauing….suggestions?


  23. Hi I have Been on the 5/1 plan for 2 weeks this sat. I have lost 4.5lbs so far . I wanted to know if these recipes are for the 5/1 plan or for the maintenance plan? Also I add crises red peppers to my soups and it taste so much better.


    1. Hi Heather,

      These meals are for the Lean and Green meal of the 5&1 plan but they also work just fine for the 3&3 maintenance plan. The only main difference is you’ll want to reduce the protein size to around 4oz and add a grain or dairy serving. You can download the Medifast maintenance guide here for more info (it’s free!).


  24. Hi everyone. i tried something New for me. my daughter who is also on the tsfl plan told me about Paul Prudhomme’s Seafood Magic said it was awesome! Well naturally as a expert dieter for years I go to our local Winn Dixie & got the Seafood Magic, The Meat Magic, The Vegetable Magic & every other Magic he made….She was RIGHT!!! I used the Seafood Magic on some Orange Roughy with a sprinle of Butter Buds & a spray of Olive Oil… Broiled it on both sides (Not too long) man o man!!!!. Might be able to get Paul’s seasonings online..
    another great discover..found Walden Farms Marshmallow Dip!!! Dipped my S’mores in it Excellent treat.
    Keep the recipes coming Love it….


  25. Are all of these recipes “legal”? I love fruit and would like to use fat free, sugarfree smuckers preserves but I could not find how to make them legal.


  26. All of the Rouses Supermarkets (south Louisiana) have both the Prudhomme and Frank Davis seasonings. I did not do the research myself but read it on the internet.


  27. I started Medifast Mon. July 9th 2012. and to tell you the truth it was very difficult @first.
    Everything you think about food has been turned upside down. The temptations are all around us. I want to lose 60 pounds and hopefully will see some results soon. I know I am drinking a lot more water than I ever have in my entire life so I guess I never was drinking enough. I was tired of looking in the mirror and seeing a person I did not want to be anymore. Thanks for the recipes as it will help to make the journey easier with the Medifast food.


  28. Hi everyone I’m a newbie here. I started the Medifast on July 14, 2012 and lost 6.6 pounds the first week!!! Then went to a family reunion, ate all the wrong things and unfortunately gained 2 pounds back. Any words of wisdom for getting back on track again??? I feel like such a cheat….has anybody ever fallen off the wagon or am a loner? In need of positive feedback!


  29. I started the program a little over a week and I lost 10 lbs the first week. I struggle with some of the replacement meals. I hate the pan cakes. I love the peanut butter chocolate bars. I need to lose 90 more pounds. At age 61 I wonder why it took me so long to make a change. I am just glad I did. I feel it is very important to have a support coach to keep you encouraged when you feel like cheating. My sister is my coach, I feel blessed.


    1. Awesome stuff Rhonda, keep us up-to-date on your progress!


  30. hi, i’m just wrapping up my first week (8.5 lb. loss) and i wanted to share a recipe, very similar to the chicken strips (i didn’t think about the walden farms, i’ll try that next time), that’s working out great for me! i had been eating a lot of egg white omelets (whipped up all fluffy), which is what basically made me decide to try medifast again. but no way can i eat as much of those as they want me to! i usually have a horrible time BUYING fish, because it always smells bad. i happened on a brand in the freezer section, “ocean market” which comes in a two lb bag, with each filet individually wrapped. cooked up, 2 filets make about 7 oz. and there’s been no problem with fishy taste or smell with either the tilapia or the cod. i came up with this after finding the parmesan cheese puffs rather disgusting!
    so my recipe calls for:
    four filets, thawed in individual wrapper under cold water
    (i generally make two dinners, or 4 filets at one time, so that what with what gets wasted, i don’t count the MF meal.)
    i pkg of parmesan cheese puffs, ground into very fine crumbs
    enough egg beaters to dip all filets long enough to coat
    (i vary. sometimes just old bay; paprika, kernal season’s parmesan and garlic and lemon pepper, whatever you like, and i throw every thing in my nutri-bullet together).
    heat dry pan til very hot, blot filets dry on paper towels. turn pan down to medium, spray with butter flavor (or garlic) pam, add just enough oil to keep pan from burning. quickly dip two of your filets, and dip or scatter crumbs on one side of fish, then placing them in pan. cook @ sprinkle side up with crumbs, flipping at 3 minute mark. cook another 4-5 minutes (make sure pan is kept moist, shake it so filets still move) and add a brief sprinkling of celery, shallots, red onion, or (i use) green onion and a bit of wine and/ or lemon or lime juice (i buy 2 oz squeeze bottles online and keep my liquids in those, prevent’s accidental over-pouring). clean pan with paper towels, and follow with second pair of filets. (warm in oven on pan or foil to keep crispy) serve with extra lemon juice and walden farms honey mustard if desired.
    i haven’t moved over to the middle column of food yet, so i haven’t tried on chicken, and sometimes the crumbs burn, but even burned fried food is tasty to a southern girl! and it’s better than eating those puffs, at least to me!!


  31. Hi, my husband and I started Medifast last week after seeing the amazing results of a friend of ours that lost at least 80 lbs. These recipes have been great! Thank you! My husband has lost 7 lbs…me only 3, figures!


  32. Just started on Monday (11/12). I am kind of nervous, but I’ve learned that as long as I have a set of rules to follow, I do well. I’ve got about 100 lbs to lose, so here goes nothing!!


  33. What a great site! My 2 teenage daughters and I started the program about a week ago. I’ve lost 3 lbs, my oldest daughter lost 8 and youngest daughter lost 3 . We are loving Mf! I’m hoping we can keep it up! If anyone wants to be email buddies I’d love to meet new MF friends and share progress and trials with you! My email is knjsmom99@hotmail.com. Thanks and keep up the great work everyone!


  34. I am placing my first order. Any tips you have for a 36 year old mother that needs to lose 90 to 100 pounds?? Thanks in advance, and good luck to all of you! nfsavoie@cox.net


  35. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes. I’ve been on plan for two weeks then fell off with pizza temptation. Now I can have that too! So excited. I really like medifast so far. I’m impressed with the food and unlike others I love the oatmeal. I was worried that I would get bored but now with all these great ideas I’m rearing to go.


  36. My husband, myself and two sons are starting Medifast on Sunday, March 3, 2013 this is the second time around for my husband and myself but we feel really good about starting it again. My question is we will place an order on the first but we have enough product to start with the exception of bars. Is there any fiber one bars etc., that are comparable to Medifast until we get our order? Thank you Lori


  37. Im confused.. So im starting medifast on sunday and the lean n green meals are throwing me off.., is it one serving of a veggie or is it three servings of any of the suggested veggies?


    1. Crystal – it is THREE servings of veggies. I don’t get bogged down by the veggies because I know I didn’t get fat because I ate too much romaine lettuce! 🙂

      Good luck to you!


  38. So glad I found this site. Started MF 2/25 and down 11.5 lbs with 63.5 to go by August. Just wanting some feedback by some of you using these recipes. Has following them helped you in meeting your goals?


  39. Hi there! My husband and I will be starting medifast on 5/13/13 and am excited to see if this is a diet that will work for me since nothing seems to be lately! I have about 30 lbs to lose and my husband has at least 50. I have been a vegetarian for the last 2 years and really prefer not to eat meat. Has anyone tried some great vegetarian recipes they would care to share? I would love to hear from you! Thanks


  40. My 26 year old daughter, who is a type 1 diabetic, and myself have started the Medifast plan as of August 15, 2013. She has been in very bad health due to her eating habits and is motivated since I am doing this with her. Already we have seen results with her the first week! Her blood glucose levels are down and she has already lost 12 pounds! I think some of this was water weight due to all her swelling but still wow! I myself have lost 9 lbs and we haven’t been on it for quite a week yet. I’ll be honest, I have had a hard time the first 4 or 5 days but I refuse to not follow through because helping my daughter stay focused will mean saving her life. Her attitude is already doing so much better. I am not the best cook, I admit it, and these recipes are so helpful because I just didn’t know what I could or could not do. I need to lose at least 100 more pounds and though my daughter only needs to lose about 40 more the blood sugar results are what is getting us so excited. My coach calls us almost every day! I hope that in six months I can post a total turn around on her health and a healthier change for me as well. My email is leesusedbooks@gmail.com. Ideas and encouragement would be so welcome!


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Lean and Green Recipes – Get Skinny Be Happy! (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.