Liverpool Echo from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)

TION Lord ON HIS WAY ME FROM EGYPT. to announce that the Earl died very suddenly on his way Rapt to England. His 1 lordexpected to arrive in this Friday. peer, Edward George Bootle Baron Skelmersdale, of dale, County of Lancashire, was October 26, 1864, being a son st Earl of Lathom (created 1880). athom, whose sudden demise is to day, succeeded his father srage in 1898.

Lord. Skelmersdale the peer frilly contested Southport in irvative interest in 1898. rdship married, in 1889, Lady leydell Bouverie, only daughter Ith Earl of Radnor, by whom he con and three daughters. in the title and estates kelmersdale, who was born on 1895. the late earl's brothers.

are Wilbraham, who was the 3rd Battalion Rifle and, who lives at Travancore, nd Hop: Reginald Wilbroo resides at the three sisters is the the Lord William Cecil, and son, of the late ol 8 jury. tinder the Lathom family Bootle Wilbraham, the the eighteenth cenWestbury, and who ted Dover in the Mr. Wilbraham peerage in 1828, when reated Skelmersdale. He 853, when he was succeeded by Ison, a the second baron, who, ting Lord-in-Waiting to ctoria, held for many years the Lord Chamberlain of her ousehold. el second baron created out in the peerage of the ingdom.

The first earl died in succeeded in the title nobleman who has thom her nelodin Creefos earl," House idence dship did othe is connected with known branches of the the Marquis of Ailsa, Lancashire near Ormskirk, has a Bayswater-equare. member of the clubs, inMarlborongh, Garrick, on-square, this aftertoon, this afternoon, of the Echo was inhat. nothing was known beyond tat the desth of the Earl on his he from Egypt. is known of the cause of details of the fatal illness. louse of Wilbraham represents heshire family, deriving its name Manor of Wilbraham, in Camwhere a family of their pame the reign of Henry IL.

Sir Richard Wilbraham, the Sheriff of Cheshire in the Tenry tendent of this Sir. Richard be id of Radnor. distinguished representatives mily were Richard Wilbraham, hey, M.P. for Cheshire, who was of the Revels to Queen Mary. homes Wilbraham, the second WAS distinguished during the Civil War.

Willraham, of Nantwich, who of the intended Knights of the Melbrabam, deputy high Una vrsity of Oxford, ply Richard Wilbraham, beP. Chester and married the of Robert Bootle, of Hose. US lANCASHIRE FAMILIES. dinner of Lancastrians in Sir Sward Rumeil spoke of certain aimately nesociated with the tuchuracter of Lancashize. Sir that the Earl of 1080 and popularity were wide with society.

They William and Sir this had received a tribute merit he had Lord Stanley was isther, Mustrating excellencies of the the present Lord -el Lathom (coneven more loved by all with -BANK MANAGER JED FOR CHARGE. TRIAL ON CURIOUS Guildhall, to day, Streatham, Henry trial charged with having Hardwicke, of I ned to publish or touching the abstain matters Midland Bank with intent prosecution, said in Lough- 1890 branch of the bank, Last manager of the the bank that he was owing to customers, £1,700, His that for in the hands of aspended from the labilities, to the exarged by the bank, COST YOU a expert, giving House Lords coal must go up owners and LABRA Free Libraries A Lancaster of valuable trustees of the Cottage, aldermen, and the will, dated he said, volumes and representing total of 152 vote of also to notion, A SEA. STORY OF TO-DAY. Mr. F.

1. Bullen, whose Cruise of the Cachalpt." and other stories of the sea are so well known, is concerned to refute the persistent statement that the romance of the sea no longer exists, and certainly einnot be proved in connection with steam. Mr. Bullen accordingly sets forth ih a letter to the Spectator" the following tale in the plainest words November 30th last the little steam collier Congress, carrying about thousand tons of coal, left Cardiff for Brest. She was thirty fourteen one years of old, whom and carried were crew of har de, four seamen, and three the master and two officers.

So that at sea at night with wheel and lookout manned the only available hand for any deck-work was the officer of the watch, unless, indeelt, the lookout man were called from his There is nothing unusual in this; it is mentioned to portray the situation era The rest of the hands, of course, belonited to the -room and stokehold, including the steward. The next they were on the Cornish coast with a heavy gale northward blowing during right on the shore, forenoon but with hauling to the very heavy sca. There is no doubt that the vessel was handled with seamanlike care, being steered and driven wica every possible attention to her needs in conflict with those mighty Atlantio wove Most of us who have been in Channel during a gale have seen vessels similar to tire Congress fighting for their lives "Just and a mast, lurching through the spray have watched the great masses of water break. ing clean ove and have felt our hearts to go out to the brave men whose lot it is to earn their 300r pay in so strenuous fashion. at 1 p.m.

the Congress shipped an estra which carried sway en bloo the struc lure known as the flying bridge, from which he vessel was navigated, and with it the wheel-house and the chart-room, (one room dirided by bulkhead), all the boats, four number, the engine-room sky. light, and the master, mate, and helmsman, were all on the bridge. At the treme, dous impact of this the econd mate, whose watch below swoke from his hardlysleep and ruled on deck. Seaman though he have taken some appreciable space time for him to realise the esteat isaster and the fact that upon him, the airtificated man with Jons than the pay of scavenger, had fallen the sole responsibility. A few seconds only, and the man had risen to the full stature of his position.

His care was to get the hand steering gear aft connected. His next almost incredibly diff salt task, to get the propeller disentangled, assisted by at the utmost three other men. Then, and not until then, was the and all the while she had been in in danger of destruction by the assailing seas. Now to the hapless ones dashed with the structure upon which they were had still in stood into the foaming They sight, or, rather, frail support was, for already the mate had pone. But to bring the vessel round 60 head for them would haw been to invite destruction, for it must have exposed her buttered side to the sens, and one blow would have certainly sunk her.

Moreover, it rust be remembered that the vessel moss derelict, and there were no boars. 80 the man in charge did all that a seaman could do for the lives and property whose had been thus suddenly thrust upon and kept in towards GodHead, -Sing signals of distress as night came on, wh were answered from the lighthouse on point, but that was all. No help was for until the smell hour of following morning, when another col lier, the came along, and when close to demanded the news, Now, and quite natu rally, the crew: clamoured to be taken off the for they believed her to be sinking At any rate, they asserted their right to gras; the chance afforded them of living a little longer, and it ought to be difficult for anyone to blame them, seeing that all they had at stake was their lives. Nor can we wonder if the brevet captain was quite ready to believe that this little group of men would take no further orders from him in the face of such an opportunity or now matters offered. little, Whether fact we are surprised not the being that the poor man, worn out with labour and anxiety (he had been continually toiling under the worst conditions for over eighteen hours), accepted the offer of rescue by the master of the Bilbater, and he with his crew were promptly salved, and taken on board the rescuing vessel.

Then he told the master that he believed the Congress might yet be saved if volunteer crew in. went on board of her and sho were towed To which suggestion the master gleefully sponded, ef course, because while saving risk life even the imminent of your OWD must always be done gratuitously, saving property means comfortable addition to the salvors' scanty salary. Think of it! Had the Congress been had totally lost the underwriters would have to pay her 'owners £7,750. What an immense sum that, as it turned out to be for hire, injudicions suggestion of Mr. James Purdy's save the underwriters! of course, he did not think of that.

He only felt concerned true seaman at the of losing the ship, and did to the all he could to prevent that calamity. In the end the Bilbater accomplished the feat of towing the disabled Congress safely into port, and there it was is learned that loss the romantio helmaman, of whose narrative not the the two, was found by the lifeboat tossing helplessly upon the wreckage to which his superior physique had enabled him had to cling. both while the master and the mate relinquished their held and been was drowned. Subsequently the whole matter at brought before the Court of Inquiry Liverpool, presided over by the stipendiary and magistrate, assisted by a naval captain imo merchant masters nautical assessors. The inquiry WAS most exhaustive one, extending over four days, and embracing not merely the c*mstances of the wreck, but the condition and antecedents of the vessel.

But all of it seemed to show that the man upon whom the responsibility was suddenly thrown had done all that mortal man could do, save offer the lives of those that were with him and his own as a sacrifice to the manes of those whom impossible However, in end the verdict of the court was that the second officer, Mr. James Purdy, must be severely censured (1) for not attempting to save the lives of the man washed overboard; and (2) for premature abandonment of the vessel. do not wish to challenge the decision of the court, which was no doubt given as a matter of strict right and duty, bat it may, I think, be a subject of legitimate wonder whether this humble seaman would have received the same verdict if he had found anyone to defend him, of had been member of any of the masters' and officers' societies, and consequently had had the benefit of skilled help and advice in the presentment of his case. But surely such conduct as his cannot fail in its appeal to the hearts and consciences of all of us who love manliness and believe in the undying romance and heroism of seafaring. DEESIDE RATES.

HOSPITAL EXPENDITURE CAUSES INCREASE. The monthly meeting of the Hoylake and West Kirby District Council was held last evening, the chairman. Mr. J. W.

Allen, presiding. The annual statement of accounts was submisted by Mr. Englich, who congratulated the district upon the satisfactory, position of affairs. He said the committees had adhered to their estimates very well, but there was one item over which the Council had DO direct control, and which called for serious consideration. That was the amount they had to pay in respent of the Wirral Joint Hospital Board.

It was growing by leaps and bounds, and during the last twelve months had increased by 25 per cent. more than they had estimated. The amount of deficiency was £203, so that if it had not been for the Joint Hospital Board account the estimate would have exactly covered their expenditure. The district was improving, and houses were letting better, that the prospects for nest year were very good. The profits on the electricity undertaking were being devoted to the reduction of the capital expenditure, so that the outlay bad been reduced from £54,000 to £42,000.

That was a good thing, inasmuch as the ratepayers in a few years would be the possessors of a very handsome asset. The total amount for nest year was £19,500, which necessitated a rate of 4s 3d in the pound, an increase of 1d on last year. He moved the rate. Mr. Bland seconded, and the motion was unanimoualy agreed to.

Commodore Andreas Peter Hovgaard, the commander of the Danish Royal yacht neborg, an Arctio esplorer, died at Copenhagen last night in Mr. his Tom fifty-sixth year. The condition of Browne, which was stated last night to cause considerable anxiety, remains about the same this morning. When Knights Were Bold" was produced in German lest night at the Neues Theatre, Berlin. Prince Albert of Wales arrived at the Royal Naval, College, Osborne, term.

Jest crossed night, for the completion He from Southampton to Cowes in the steamer Princess Helens in company with 300 cadeta. THE LIVERPOOL ECHO. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 5 6 6 The TIE 1 1 1 1 1 18 to 41- 3 1. I UL. Mad of he STOP-PRESS EDITION TODAY'S FOOTBALL.

Half -time Scores Sunderland 1. Sheftold Utd nil M- Cheshire nil Derby 1. Manchester City nil RACING Decider Golden Vale bi Combe. 5 on Golden Vale Rent Roll. 6.4 St.

Elroy, 6-1 Late. W're. Adriatic Mr Postman Thumb I. 8 ran 2-1 on Tom COMMERCIAL. Chicago Opening Prices to Fowler Brothers, Limited) Wheat and corn unchanged.

lard and rios pts up, pork 71 pts up. Hog re. 1pts 22,000. Cotton. --4 p.m: Futures close 1 steady, pt advance, 3 pts decline.

Egyptian futures closed quiet, near 9 to 11 and distant 5'to 7 pts decline on the dav. New York, 11 a.m. -Futures are unchanged to 3 pt decline. New O-leans opened unci.anged to 7 pts decune. Chicago, 9.40 a.m.

-Wheat: July up. Liverpool Storks. -Closing Chartoted 40s 9d 30. Chartered Op424 ol. Goldfield 613-10 15-16, East Rail 54 52.

Johanneburg 39s 9d 3d, Ocean a 3d 17, 9d. Randfontein 54s 9d 55s 3d, Transvaal 17s 6d 18s. Corn. The Liverpool Corn market closed with Wheat futures quiet, to higher: and round Maize firm, per centa! higher on the day. 0: THE LATE EARL LATHOM.

Th Earl of Lathom the board the Cunard liner Caronia, on his way from Egypt to 1. verpool. He had been in indifferent health for some and three mouths ago received serious injury to tris eye whilst out shcoting. RACING 4 20-Coignafearn 1, Pequot 2, -Dunraven ,3. 100-9.

9-1, 4-1. Also rain: Monty, Macaw, Jack Scott. King Spear, Grape Fruit, Car Bridge, Dainty Box, Adorn, Obscurity Oenochous, St. Sava, East River, Clew Bay, Edgar. Wye.

-Bushey Path Frigate Vesper Bel 3. 10 1au. 10-1, evens. 3-1 THE BUDGET. -In the Commons, today, Mr.

A -quoth could not give a strances trial Budget when introduced would full tine for discussion Questions the Chancellor Excheguer we.e post poped. ANOTHER RAID BY THE MIL LAH. In the Commons, to-der. Col. Seely said another raid by the Mul.

lah was reported on a tribe nomi' mally under British protection in Somabland. BILLIARDS. Interval. Aiken 13.403. du play) 12.100.


A Portsmouth correspondent telegraphs that torpedo boat No. 4 was in collision early this morning at Portsmouth with the ketch Fortis, belonging to Chichester. The torpedo boat was leaving the barbour as the ketch was entering, and the latter was badly holed to the water's edge, shipping much water, and being taken in tow by Government tug was brought into the dockyard. The torpedo boat had her bows slightly beat, and returned into the harbour for examination. CRUISER BATTLESHIPS FOR AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND NAVIES.

The Scotsman to-day announces that the Fairfield Company, of Glasgow, and John Brown, Limited, of Clydebank, have each booked one of the -battleships for the Now Zealand and Australian Navies. The contracts were placed yesterday. SHAREBROKER CHARGED. COMMITTAL TO THE ASSIZES. TELEGRAM.) At Lancaster this morning.

Arthur Stanley, sharebroker. was committed for trie! at chester Assizes on a charge of converting to his own 1180 £141, entrusted to him by John Arthur Thompson, yeoman, Avondale- road, Morecambe, for the purchase of six Barclay Bank shares. Stanley is already awaiting trial on two other charges, one of conversion and the other of larceny, the amount, involved being over £1,000. A PILLOW -CASE SAFE." An Eilesmero Port iron worker has been relieved of £70 in a mysterious manner. The money was kept in a pillow case under the man's bed, and yesterday, when he went for the money to tale, it to the bank, he found thas it had vanished.

After a fruitiess search the police were put on the scent. Some of a friends regard it as practical joke, and anticipate that the precious booty' will be returned. The man does not share this sanguino view. TORPEDO- BOAT IN COLLISION. ECHO PRIVATE WART.1 Early this morning torpedo-boat No.

4 had her bows bent in collision outside Portsmouth Harbour with the ketch Fortis, of Chichester, which was holed to the water's edge and filed rapidly. Both vessels were berthed for repairs SUNDAY CINEMATOGRAPH SHOWS. In the House of Commons, resterday, Mr. Churchill informed Mr. Hottomlay that his attention had been drawn to the recent action of the London County Council in closing cinetnatograph theatres on Sundays.

Ho had no power to interfere in the matter. Miss Paterson. a hom*o Office inspector of factories, has just conducted successful prosecutions at Romford and Brent wood. The Victorian (Australia) butter season has now closed. The exports to the United King.

dom were 15,000 tons of the value of £1,500,000. This compares with 9,000 tons, valued at £1,000,000, last season. The recent good rains augur well for next season. Jacob Hines, a South Carolina native, and described as mus e-hall artist, was sentenced to three months' hard labour and recom mended for deportation at Tower Bridge Police Court, London, yesterday for living in part on the earnings of young Swedish woman, Helen Janso. TO-DAY'S (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5.) LINCOLN.

The pleasant weather of the two preceding days was tatended to the concluding afternoon of the Lincoln meeting, the sun shining brightly throughout the proceedings, though the air was decidedly chilly. The attendance naturally displayed a felling off compared with Tuesday, but was still a good one, and the fields were again of plethorie proportions. A resumption was made with the Hainton Plate, for which Lueus, a recent winner of hurdle race, was throughout favourite; but in an 10 to 1 exciting chance set-to was Amayer. beaten a Dalnacrag, head by the winner of a recent trial, had the largest following for the Welbeck Plate, but in a close finish the 10 to 1 chance Buckstead won by a nock from Jack's Folly and Buckie, who ran dead host for second place, The Brocklesby Stakes was won by Lady de Bathe's Foot Guard, who started at 7 to 1. Details: 2 45-The two year BROCKLESBY olds; colta STAKES 121b, of 200 Silies and geldings gib; winners of any race value 150 sow Sib extra.

Four furlongs and fifty varda, straight, ou 12 Lady de Bathe's FOOT GUARD For Bir Thursby's Harestones Trigg Mr L'Arson's Joyner Griggs Mr A Basset's Oak wool Randall 8 12 Lord Hamilton of Daiselle Taylor 8 12 Mr Hill- Wood's Reynolds Wheatley 12 Me Hobson 'a Three Weeks Fast Air Jardine's Kilbrook Thurshy King's Licensed Victualler Rickaby, Sievier's Eaton Maher Sadler a by Fuy Birkin's Dyer's Seaunne Orchid Maid Jones 0000. C. Mr Vitagerald'e 1 by -Goody Two Higgs Lytham's Wootton Nelke's Wise Gif Amaranthe. Satay Winner trained by Capt Kilbrook, and Wise Gift, FOOT GUARD. Betting- to agat Seadune, to 1 each to 1 Joyner, 100 to each and Three Weeks and 100 to other Sporting Lite betting same.

Seadune, on left, jumped off in front of Wise Gift. Eaton, Foot Guard, and Harestones, with Joyner and Kilbrook nest. So they to the dis tance, where Harestones drew to the front, followed by Foot Guard, but the latter soon afterwards took lead. and won by length: length and balf separated second and third. Wise Gift fourth.

Kilbruck fifth, Eaton eixth, Sadune seventh, St Amaranthe nest, and Orchid Maid last. 3 20 TO GAUTBY year olds 6st SELLING 91b, three PLATE Bet 151b, of four 106 131b. and spearda 10st: and allowed Sib: win to be sold for 50 soma. Fire furlongs, straight. 8 10 Mr Sherwood's by ST SIMONMIMI COMBE Williamson 5 Mr Browning'.

GOLDEN VALE Ward 10 Mr Hibbert's Brasfield Tr Russel's Gold Coin Stoires Mitathorp's Canny Lass. Wheatley Coba's John Bull Hinge Loates's Miss Thrush 10 Roseneath Maher 813 Fallon Unele Michael Howard Dead-heaters trained by Owner and Sir Narens Betting- Rosenesth, Thrush, 1 a each Gold Coin and Brasfield. 6 Inele Michael, and 10 to 1 COMBE Filly, GOLDEN VALE or other. Sporting Life betting same, Dead heat: a length and a bait. Dead heat will be run after 3.90 race.

BLANKNEY SELLING PLATE 3 50 of 106 winsets after February 17, at noon, of race 71b extra: winner be sold for 50 Seven furlongs, straight. RENT ROLL Howard Berling's 6t Elroy Wootten East's Too Late East Caehmore's Athlete Duller Priestley's Misha Langham Pomfret's Ban boo 6mich Lord Cholmondeles a Brookes Mr Howe's Malava Ringstend Trimmer's Aspirant. Rickaby, fun Winner trained by Owner. WYE MEETING. Willie Byrne 1.

2, Pat Cana Five ran. Betting Willie Byrne, Ayreastie, and Pat Cans. Sporting Life betting Sis 2.30.-Look Sharp 11 Evens 1, Look Robin Rough Betting and to Robin, to Rough Pup. Sporting betting same. 3.0.-Country Squire 1, Veno 2, Brilliant Boy 3 Seven ran.

Betting: 7 to Country Squire Vena, and 20 Brilliant Boy. Sporting Lite betting same 3.50.-Curby 1, The Cade 11 2, Heroine 11, Retting: 100 to 8 aget Cade and 100 Heroine. Sporting Lite betting same OFFICIAL SCRATCHINGS. Grand National Steeplechase. 11.

(at 10.10 to day). Liverpool Spring Cup. -Valens 10.33 dayl. TO-MORROW'S RACING. THE LIVERPOOL SPRING MEETING.

Close on £10,000 will be given in prize money for the various events to be decided at Aintree during the next three days. The excelleat course at the present time is in condition, and fine weather is all that 15 necessary to make the meeting huge success. The opening programme contains the Liverpool Spring Cup, for which the following are the PROBABLE STARTERS AND JOCKEYS: 1 Capt Homfray's LAND LEAGUE. Higgs 5 Mr L. Robinson's Bullock Fad varda's Trigs Mr 3 Joel's TEMNOS.

Wal Grigas Mt Alexander': HOWICK Keeble Nolan's RATHI.EA Fox Lord Zetland's LEAD ON Mr Stedal: MOORLAND Gibbs's Howard Walker's OAKMERE. 10 Mr de Rothschild's POP 10 Mr A Prentice COLONIAL Evane 6 10 Lord Derby's QUEEN'S JOURNAL Mr Walker's Docks AND DRAKES. 4 6 5 Mr A de Rot hachild's BONNY BOY Dermot starters It is not generally known that the above race will be run on the Grosenor Course, the first half -mile of which, also the last four furlongs, are perfectly straight. For the winder I shall look to HOWICK. Other overnight fancies are an follow: Stanley Steeplechase.

-ASHBROOKE. Molyneus Stakes. OLIVER GOLD. SMITH. Union Jack Stakes.

LONAWAND. Hylton Handicap. -CARNEA. Stand Welter. GAME HEN Colt.

West Derby Stakes JOHN SPLENDID. CAPTAIN AINTREE. PARLIAMENTARY ITEMS. FROZEN MEAT IMPORTS. ECHO' PRIVATE WIPE The President of the Board of Trade, in a printed reply to a question by Mr.

Hamilton. Bain, gives the figures of imported meat. fresh and during the past five years. In 1905 the total import was 10,024,367 ewts, and it has gradually risen, until last year 12.030.094 ewts, were imported. Up to last year chilled and frozen meat were not separately recorded, but last Fear the imports of chilled meat were 2,669,020 ewts.

and of frozen meat 8,368,556 ewte. MISLEADING MANX ANALOGY. Mr. Weir. M.P., put question to the Postmaster General on the subject of the Stornoway mail steamer, and, in view of the Isle of Man Stearapacket Company running steamer at the rate of fourteen nautical miles an hour on the mail service between Liverpool and Douglas, asked for a faster SeE to Stornowar.

Mr. Samuel, 811 the course of his replr. said under the contract for the Isle of Man mail steamer service the speed prescribed 1s twelve sea miles an hour for the seven winter months, and fourteen for the five suminer months, but the mail and passenger trafhe betwe in Liverpool and the Islo of Man is very much greater than that between Krle of Lochalsh and Stornowav. COUNCIL SECTARIAN SCHOOLS. Mr.

Runciman, in a printed reply to a ques. tion by Mr. Acuitage, states that in 1902-3 the number of Council schools in England and Wales was 5,975 (with an average number of scholars on tho registers of 2,862.058. The number of Voluntary schools was 14,258, with an average number on the registers of 3.096,781. In 1908-9 the number of Council schools was 7,580, with an average number on the registers of 3,404.995 and the number of Voluntary schools 13,087, with an average number on the registers of 2,601,145.

The figures refer to ordinary publio elementary schools. THE PATTEN INCIDENT. COTTON ASSOCIATION DISCLAIMER. At a meeting of the directors of the Manchester Cotton Association, held yesterday, resolution was unanimously passed That as come of the reports of the unfortunate incident which occurred when Mr. J.

A. Patten visited the Manchester Royal Exchange state that it happened on the Manchester Cotton Exchange, the directors of the chester Cotton Association desire it to be known that their association has no official connection with, and has no control over. the Royal Exchange." (1 1910. MISSING MAIL STEAMER WRECKAGE WASHED ASHORE. FEARED DISASTER, Amsterdam, Wednesday.

-The directors of the West Indian mail service have received communication forwarded to the Minister for Foreign Affairs by the Dutch Consul at Lorient, stating that a lifebaoy and a boat's oar marked Prince Wilhelm Amsterdam' have been found in the sea near Belleisle, on the West Coast of France, and that a propeller blade and name board, evidently belonging to mail steamer, have been washed up on neighbouring island. It is feared that the liner, which was bound from Amsterdam to Paramaribo, and has been missing for two months, must have met with a disaster comewhere in the vicinity. The Antwerp steamer Bulgari yestery day reported having passed' a quantity of floating wreckage near the same place. Although the discovery of these articles is no direct proof that the vessel has been wrecked, it justifies the gravest fears. CABINET COUNCIL.

SCHO" PRIVATE meeting of the Cabinet took place to-day at 10, Downing street, Mr. Asquith presiding. Viscount Wolverhampton was an absentee. Mr. J.

A. Pease, Chancellor of the Duchy, was also absent. The Chancellor of the Exchequer entered the Prime Minister's residence by way of the private entrance from No. 11, Downing-street, The meeting broke up at 1.45, having lasted two hours and quarter. POLITICAL SITUATION.

PASSING THE BUDGET. MORE QUESTIONS TO MR. ASQUITH (Continued from Page 4) Questions considerable interest relating to the Government's intentions with regard to the Finanos Bill will be put to the Prime Minister to-morrow. Mr, Ginnell will ask if, for the convenience the Irish members, Mr. Asquith will say when Finance Bill of 1909-10, or any resolution in beu thereof, for giving effect to its proposala will come before the House of Commons, Viscount Castlerengh will inquire whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce more than one Finance Bill during the present session.

Lord Hugh Cecil desires to know whether it the intentiun of the Government to duce Finan Bill before the spring recess, or at any time during present and, if so, whether that bill will contain and, if which, of the provisions of the Finance Bill of 1909. MR. LLOYD GEORGE'S ILLNESS. SUFFERING FROM NEURITIS. ECHO PRIVATE WIRE.) Mr.

Lloyd George, who is suffering from neuritis, is little better this morning. He will leave London for Brighton, where he will stay over the week end. Mr. Lloyd George was unable to be prescot in the House of Commons during the naval administration debate last night. The Press Association saga Lloyd George's attack of neuritis happily not severe, but, under medical advice, the right hon.

gentleman is taking a few days rest and change. It was stated at 11, Downing this morning that the Chancellor little better to day, and is leaving town this afterDOOD until next week. COLONEL HILL HOLME. CONTINUED IMPROVEMENT TO-DAY. It is a satisfaction to know that the improvement, shown in the condition of Colonel Arthur Hill Holme is still maintained today.

FOOTBALL NEWS. CHELSEA TEAM TO MEET EVERTON. The Chelsos team to meet Everton on Saturday will probably be me below. Two changes may be made after the match of the reserve team with Clapton Orient Reserve this aftersoon Cameron and Cartwright. Taylor, Ormiston, and Downing: Douglas, Wileman (A), Windridge, and Holden.

UNPOPULAR PENSION SCHEME. A BLACKPOOL THREAT. At the meeting of the National Lifeboat Institution, yesterday, in regard to the pensions scheme for the society officials, Mr. Charles Nobie, of Bisckpool, said that if the scheme were passed the Lifeboat Saturday Fund would receive no mote money from his town. CANADIAN MINE FIRE.

Halifas, Wednesday. -The Arcadia Coal Company' mine at St. Ellarton is on fire in the baok slope, The Blames broke through from existed the overlaying The alope, outlook where is the serions. fire Efforta will be nade to wall in the slope as far down as the flames will permit. An equipment for fighting the flames coming from Cape Breton by special train.

If the fire is cos overcome the greater part of the colliery will be rendered THE RIVAL BLUES. TODAY'S PRACTICES. ECHO' PRIVATE Cambridge were out on fair ebb tide this morning Putney, and were accompanied by Leander scratch eight, consisting of seven Jesus College men, stroked by G. L. Thomson, of Trinity Hall.

This combination had three starts with the Cantabs, the latter starting each time from moored skiff. Cambridge got the firet two occasions, ten-strokes and showed but a slight the third, superiority which in row on WAS longer, Leander got half length abend of the 'Varsity crew, who, however, soon drew up. Oxford had two or three starts from moored skiff, on the last occasion having minute row at 40 strokes, with The their Cambridge crew's supporters performance are well pleased over course yesterday. Mr. Sasby, the well-known Somersetshire, sportsman, was found dead from gunshot wounds, to day, at Chew Court, bere be resided.

The Algeriana, steamer built by the Northumberland Shipbuilding Company, Howdon for Farnese, Withy. and West Hartlepool, was launched yesterday, The counoil of the Congregational Union of England and Wales pronounced in favour of the recognition of women accredited ministers at a meeting at Lincoln yesteraay. There are plenty of people who will flatter you if you have money, said Judge Willis, the Southwark County Court, terday. But beware of boy named Christmas was kicked over the heart by a horse at Dorking yesterday, and died immediately. QUAINT SIROPSHIRE quaint Shropshire ceremony and a link with the past was witnessed at Market Drayton this mornlag when the first The public fair of the year was duly proclaimed.

bail.if of the ancient Manor of Drayton Magna, attended by the constables, searchers, sealers, and scavengers, required the official ale-taster to read the proclamation. This announced that all micht come and go free from arrest, except for outlawry, treason, and murder," but warned all thieves, rogues, vagabonds, cutpurses, idle and disorderly persohs to immediately depart. DIVORCE INQUIRY, HONG KONG JUDGE'S VIEWS. (ST PRIVATE When the Divorce Commission resumed its sittings in London to-day the Chief Justice of Hong Kong (Sir Francis Piggott) gave his evidence, as he was about to sail for the East. Ho dwelt on the anomalies which at present existed in regard to divorce practice in the come where the parties were domiciled in Great Britain but where the misconduct took place in the colonies.

He quoted the case of a sailoz whose matrimonial home was in Hong Kong. The proceedings were 80 long, cumbersome, and costly that both the plaintiff and the co-respondent became bankrupt. He suggested that the trial ought to be allowed to take place wherever the parties happened to be. Mr. J.

Roberts, the clerk to the justices at Newcastle, then continued his evidence, He was opposed to the proposal to transfer the present jurisdiction of the justices to the county court, In his opinion, the principal causes of the differences between husbands and wives were improvident marriages, Witness was nest examined on the sub jeet of divorce. There appeared to be, he said, a general consensus of opinion amongst clerks to justices that reasonable facilities should be granted to the poorer classes to obtain that redress which on account of expense at present incurred they were de barred from obtaining. Subject to proper and eficient safeguards he did not why courts of summary jurisdiction should not have jurisdiction in cases where the parties earned up to £2 or even £3 a week. Witness suggested that the wife should, in the dis cretion of the court, be entitled to divorce on the ground of adultery alone on the part of the husband. Mr.

W. Barradale, clerk to the Birmingham justices, did not approve of extending divorce jurisdiction to county courta, BOXED HIS WIFE'S EARS. REVELATIONS IN MATRIMONIAL SUIT. REMARKABLE CHARGE AGAINST HUSBAND. ECHO" PRIVATE WIRE.) In the Divorce Court, today, before the president (Sir Samuel Evans), Hugh Robert Fowler, of Lee-on-the-Solent, petitioned for the dissolution of his marriage on the ground of the alleged misconduct of his wife with William Eason, who was stated to be an officer in the Royal Marine Light Infantry.

The charge was denied, and the respondent made counter allegations of crueity, deser. tion, and misconduct against her husband. Before evidence was called, Mr. Warren, for the respondent, asked that all ladies should be ordered out of court. Mr.

Bayford, who appeared for the petitioner, said he knew nothing in the evidence of such nature as to justify the application of his learned friend, but his lordship, without comment, directed the ladies should leave the court. The petitioner stated that at the time of his marriage, in 1892, he was managing director of the Steam Joinery Company, and he lived at Gosport. In 1894 be made the acquaintance of the co-respondent, who became a constant visitor at the house, and was received by himself and his wife as an honoured guert. On one occasion he happened to look through the drawingroom window, and saw his wife sitting on Mr. and when Eason's knee.

He very indignant, he met his wife he boxed her ears. The co-respondent went away before he could him. The respondent assured him that at the most she had been guilty of a foolish act, she and did hoped not he would let the matter want scandal in the place. pass, Mr. together, and Mrs.

Fowler did not live happily and in March, 1900, petitioner went leaving his South wife Africa with the Yeomanry, About six months later he invalided at a place called Hedge End. home, and found that his wife had been travagant, and that there was some talk to who his used wife's conduct with the co-respondent, to call in the husband's absence. Subsequently petitioner, having obtained commission in the Yeomanry, returned to South Africa, not coming back again till late in 1901, an invalid. Subsequently Mrs. Fow.

went to South Africa, where abe got employment, and it was arranged that petitioner should follow her, if he could get a situation. Towards the end of 1908 occurred an incident which led to extraordinary charges by the wife against ber husband. One day, in Sep. tember, 1908, the wife's brother called petitioner and suggested Mr. Fowler should commit misconduct, so that his wife might obtain divorce.

The petitioner indignantly rejected the suggestion, and would have nothing to do with it, simply making re mark to the effect that abe herself, if she wanted a divorce, might commit misconduct with a butcher'e boy. Thai incident was nOW made one of the acts of cruelty alleged against the husband. Petitioner had iDquiries made about his wife, and ascertained that in his absence abroad, when Mrs. Fowler was moving from Salisbury Green to Hedge End, the co-respondent was at the house, and there could be no doubt as to their relations. Plaintiff, in the witness denied that he had been guilty of intemperance or cruelty, with the exception of the occasion when he bosed his wife's ears.

GERMAN DOCKYARD WORKERS' STRIKE. A Standard Berlin telegram says Eighty per cent. of the dockyard workers Kiel, German's naval beadquarters, yesterday, lisarried out political strike, which began in the morning and ended last evening. The object of the strike was to show that the Socialists are resolved to obtain reform of the Prussian franchise, if necessary, by paralysing national industries. THE STOLEN MILLET FOUND.

A New York telegram young San Francisco artist has confessed tor stealing the painting Museum Millet frors the Golden Gate Ho states that he only wanted to copy and intended to return it when he had finished with it. The painting bas not suffered any material darange BOATING IN LIVERPOOL PARKS. On Gardens Wednesday Committee of next week the Parks and will formally open two beating and lakes in Sefton Park and Stanley Park, the lakes at Newsham Park and Greenbank Recreation Ground will be reopened for the season on the same The pastime of boating on the park lakes has become so popular that the committee have decided to extend this year, and next Wed. with needay due tho two new At centres will be opened ceremony. Seton Park thirty.

five boate will be provided, and twenty at Stanley Park. Last season there were twenty boats on Newsham Park lake, and seventeen on Greenbank lake, and the committee found that they were fally occupied. A Dew refreshment pavilion will be opened at Seton Day to Lay in the Daily Post and Mercury." LLANDISSILIOGOGO." Cwmeynnon Farm, in the parish of Liandie siliogogo. Sir F. Strachey, Secretury to the Board of Agriculture, having given his answer.

Mr. O' Brien, asked, Wil the hon. member tell us in what parish this farm is situated Sir Edward declined to be lured into an attempt to pronounce tho name, and, as the Chancellor of the Exchequer was not present to assist him, Mr. O' question was not One of the questions on the paper of the House of Commons yusterday related to answered. LIVERPOOL SCHOONER ASHORE.

The Liverpool schooner James Bibby, of 130 tons, from Portmadoo for Copenhagen, has gone ashore near Mandel in a dangerous position. PRINCE SHOOTS HIMSELF. The Berne correspondent of the "Morning Leader" says: -Prince Denis de Scibor, young Russian, of Kieff, has been the victim of his own folly. On Monday night, in the dining-room of the Hotel Richmond, Geneva, be played a silly joke by threatening, the guesta and waiters in turn with revolver. After some time of this inane pros dure, by which many in the room were greatly alarmed, the revolver went off as the Prince was flourishing it, and the bullet entered his own body.

He staggered into the corridor and there collapsed, saying. "I am wounded." He died within ten minutes. DROWNED BY THE CHUTE." A dentor who was granted his discharge at Bankruptcy Court yesterday attributed his insolvency to a contract to erect and take down water -chute at Southend, ani re-erect it at Mare, He said ho drowned by the as the water chute company could tot meet bis ball. LATEST COMMERCIAL The earlier reports of Markota, will be found on Page 7. LONDON SILVER MARKET.

The price per ounce of Silver to-day 23jd, against 23 11-16d yesterday. LONDON METAL MARKET. OPENING PRICES. Copper, G.M.B.s, irregular, 581 7: copper, three months, 59 13-16 15-16; tin, fine foreign, irregular, 1434 tin, three montha, 1454 lead, English, 154 1: lead, foreign, 13 3-16 spelter, foreign, 34. COTTON.

LIVERPOOL, Wednesday. 3.30 p.m. -Futures are now easier at 2 to 6 points decline The following transactions have taken place since 12.15 p.m.:-March- A. 7.83 24 2 14 1 804 14 1, May J. 7.74 34 4 5 34 24 2, June J.

7.68, July-A. 1.63 24 2 1 2 14 1, August-8. 7.36 5, Sept. -0 6.95 4, Oct. -N.

0-754 6 54 5 44 4 34 3. Dee. J. 6.67 74 7 4, Jan. -F.

6.66 64 6 5 4 84 3. Egyptian futures are quiet, steady, at 8 to 11 points decline. Late transactions: March 15.24, May 14.61 62, July 14.43 44 42 43. The spot sales estimate of 7,000 bales comprises 6,350 American, 400 Egyptian, 90 Peruvian, and 160 East Indian, including 500 for esport and speculation. New York futures opened unchanged to 6 points decline.

CORN. LIVERPOOL, Wednesday. Transections. --Red graded wheat, May 101d 11d 114 4 1. July 7.

108d 7 116. Call Quotations October 77d per cental, (3.15 p.m.). -Red graded wheat, March delivery 28d to 3d, May, 7 October to 7. 7 118d, 76 July 11d to 8d to 8jd. Transactions.

mixed, nil. Yel. low River Plate, nil. Quotations (3.15 p.m.). American mixed, March delivery nominal.

Yellow River Plate, July delivery 5s 3jd buyers. AMERICAN RAILWAYS. LIVERPOOL. PRICES, 3-35 P.M. A Sending.

Mil Southern Rail Vaion Pacifo Canadian Grand Truek0 Ontano Do. End Pref. ortola est 0.8. Steel Com dividend. LIVERPOOL SHARES.

3.30 Horne railways strong; Londons advanced 14. Great Western 1. Berwicks and others from 4 to American railways were fat at from 1 to 2 dollars decline. Canadien Pacific 1834. Grand Trunks dall: Ordinary declined Argentine railways quiet; Central Argentine declined 1.

Insurances unchanged. United Alkali Ordinary steady at the Preferenca rose Lobitos Oil were in re. queet at 338 3d. Rio Tinto fell 4 to 768. Nitrate shares firm.

Londons improved Angio-Chilian Pref. 1-16, and Angela 6d. South African Mines steady. Rhodesians in strong demnad. Chartered 408 9d, Johannies 39s 9d, Ogeanas 17s 9d, Randiontein 55s.

Goldfields East Rand 5j. Rand Mines 9 7-16, Bankets 55s, Tanganyika 7 3-16, Zambesia 44: 3d, Transvaal Estates 17, 9d. BUSINESS DONE. marked key are for cash, for odd (n) tor a 0) tree stamp and fee. BRITISH FUNDS, Consols (Money) COLONIAL AND PROVINE LAL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES.

Victoria 1 ascribed 188 1035 FOREION STOCKS, BONDS, Argentine 4 Bonds 1897. and Series Japao De. Sterling 1907. HOME Greet Northern Del. Conv, Oral Western Cone Lancash*te and Yorkshire Coda London and Chatham Arbit.

North Western Cone. ..1321, 4 South Fret. Cost. Midland Coar. Midland Ceav.

North British Det North Eastern Consola HOME RAILWAYS -PREFKRENCE. Great Western 5 South Eastern Cons. 5 p.6. RAILWAYS -BRITISH POSSESSIONS. Canadian Pacific Trunk 3rd Pref.

RAILROAD STOCKS AND SHARES. Atchison and Santa Pe 1184 10 Erie Missouri and Texas Rock Island Southern Extension Union Parthe AMERICAN RAILROADS. -00LD BOND6. A tobison a Ad. with cotrp No.

FOREIGN RAILWAYS. Ayres and A) Pacific 41 P.c. CoIL Debr Ay res GL South 124 Ayres Qt. Git. South.

South, 4 Deb. 104 Argentine 1001 Central Uruguay of Tailal MISCELLANEOUS. Bank of Liverpool London and River Plate Bang Parr a Bank Leeds and Liverpool Canal Metsey Docks and Mar. Board Bovnl Bovril 51. p.o, Cum.

Fret. Bradford Dyers' 5 p.c, Ent. Bruner Calico Printers Printera' East nans Alkali Erase. dosa, Lescher, and Lever Bros. pe Cam.

Pref. Lever Bretaers Cum, Fret. 12 Lipt an Liver bites pool Daily Pork and Mercury lheila 33 Nationa: Drag Pref. United Alkali 60 60, Tuited Alkali British North Borneo P'ort Madrya Liverpool Casted Contuercial 0 Amarance Mexican Light and La ver pool Victoria Corp. Liverpool Victoria 10,74 Lendou and Lancashire Fire Royal Insurance Sun 12 Laird P.S.

Steel 11-16 5-16 Ancela Nitrate Mort. Liverpool Nitrate Losdoa Nitrate Solar del Canes Nitrate Cunard Steam Abip Steams Ship Southern Alberta Land Goerta and Co. (urti's ad Harvey Portland Caneut Lake Shore 1931 Ho Pref. Colombia 3 Buenos Port and Stell Transport land and and Trailes. Ecyptian General Beyptian Pret.

Specs Petroleum Highlands and Lowlands itubber Langst Rubber. Mabara Forest Rubber Malarea Malarca Robber Malay Robber Anglo-Cezion Robber Ruther Investment Kastern International Rubber Sumatra Para Rabbet Amalgamated Petroleum Options. Button Line Firms 27.32 Kansas Bonds Brasil Kari. Japan KOA Lesa 1001- Alkali INC. 1103, RUBBER SHARES (UNOFFICIAL) Anglo Java 10: 11 10 9 of Ceylon Kupar Bakis Bertam London Asst 13-16 Lat 4 est Val 4 Or Rubber Trust Options International lamber Robber Ventures Malacca Deb.

Simo Pataling allambrosa 45,9 Grely Java In westment Dancan rille per Johore Rubber Jeram 36,71 Sangel Jar MINING SHARES BUSINESS Fanti Consolidated B.A.A 114 A 104 40 FE 40 1 B.S.A (Char Options 2 Gold Goers Transvaal Estates Fast Kane Proprietors General Mining Henderanp's Jobanses Invest, Montmee Exploration 11 Vaal River Diamonds Vaal River Diamonds Oceana Con. Ranifontein Estates Rhodesia Exploration 5-32 Villaze Willouchhy Knight's Amal. Props. of Rhodesia Nyama 8 beta Gold Boulder Perseverance Stratton' Independance Vaal River Gold Lapioration, Land and Mining South Ridesis Mines Randfuntein Deep 3 Trust 3 14 Eldorado 15-16 Baikis Pref. Mines Resende North Charteriand Great Oriental Biminer Fast United Espioration Jumbo Preates Blork Chartered 2nd Deb.

200 Corecuto 104 Bouth Vitlace Lotab Steewel Spunky Copper Venture Corpe, New District A shanti Quartsite New African City and Baburban. San Francisco del Ore Rhodesia Con. Rhodesia Copper Northern Copper Mae bonaland Aerney Zambesio Exploration (ldraco Ga ka South African Terror orelstruis Deep New Rhodesia District Klerksdorp Prope. Transvaal Coal Trust Coterum Pref. Marionaland Derelopment Rhodesis Espioration Options 1.30 p.m.

The arrangement of the settlement monopolises attention in the Stock Exchange, Consols have improved cally Foreign without Government alteration. securities are Deferred and North-Eastern have advanced Home Railways are very firm; Brighton Metropolitan District 1. and most others to American Railways are a turn better than they opened, but Northern Paci5o still marks fall of 14. Denver 14, and others to Steel Trust Common is higher. Among Canadian Railways, Canadian Pacifo is 1 better.

Lobitos Oil are 34s, Shell Transport and Trading 81s 8d, and Spies 26s 9d. PRICES 230 P.M. BRITIRE FUNDS. Consola p.c.. Account Mesican 3 National April War Do, Firet Pref.

Da Lodia 3 Land p.e.. Nitrate Railway Transvaal Loan Argentine Du FOREIGN 6 1907 STOCKS Trunk Atebirop Canadian Third Santa Boenus 3 Japan, Louisville 4 York Rossian V. Ontario 1 Spanish Pail and Turkish Rosk Uruguay bouthers Parade BONE Southern Osiedonian Def. Union Pacifia Con. 0.8.

Rteel Common Great Central Do. Great Kretern INDER Great Nra Let Whitworth Great Coata J. P. Hall and Harnaley and Fine Cotton n. Coast Dot.

James Chat. N. Lipton Lon. Lon Western A Metropolitan Basket Da. Diaries Boston Copper Midiand Deterred Brit.

Afrira Da Pret. Con. Gold Fields S. A. North British De North Eastern Last Rand.

North South Eastern Rand Mines Tad Vale 75 Rhodesia Esplor. FOREION Rio Tinte Entre Bios dividend. 3.30 p.m. Markets continue firm. Home Railways, Mines, and Rubbers are all good.

RUBBER SHARES. LONDON SHARES. LONDON, 1.30 p.m. The Rubber share market presents a very excited appearance, dealings being on an tens re scale, and with no pause in the de mand the upward movement in values makes rapid progress. The demand is chiefly confided to the producing companies, and prices in several instances show substantial gains.

Malaccas have been actively dealt in, and have further advanced 4 on the introduction of these shares on the Paris market. Bukit Rajah have been run up to 191. Linggi have advanced to 53s bid. and Anglo-Malay are firmly supported at 35s 9d. Selangor continue in favour, and have jumped up to 3 5-16, and London Asiatic further improved to 7 13-16.

Highlands are in good requeet at 74 buyers Golconda have iraproved Johore Rubber Lands have met with strong support, and have advanced 2, while the options are 1s 6d higher. Straits Settlements (Bert am) are good market 9s 6d ex rights United Sumatra strong at 138 9d bid. Merlimet have been actively dealt in, and are firm at 68 9d buyers. Anglo Java and East Java are at par. Yesterday's close.

Today, Allagar Linagi Plant' Anelo Johore Lendon A distie (10 paid) Lamnt (10 pdt. Anglo Malay Me bira Fret (35) Malaces Ord. Rate 1 Do. Pref Beaufo-1 p*rnes Malayalam(15) (176 Bukit Mertajam North Hem mock it paid) (14 Pataling. Cierley 0 Rim 110 4 Trust Rubi (15 a General I eston Rubber InvestGlen Bevief12 6) menta To Golden Hope P.

K. Henriques 119 Highlands and a Inch Lowlands. Singapore NettleStubber tenter Bertam) Landa Rematra Jequie Sungei Keptigella. (16 Klanage Unite Kuala nate Lano tree Lankat West (48 paid) Premium. RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS.

INCREASE. North- Western 15,000 London and South- North Loodon 109 LONDON TEA MARKET Messre. MeMeekin and Co. report that on the London tea market, to-day, 13,015 pack ages of Indian were offered. There was slack sale, and a good deal of tea was taken out.

MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS CATTLE. MOLD. He supply of quality folly per lb. Dairy and store in letter demand. Calves sold well.

Sheep of spirited trade. Grand show of pigs. sol 1 Easter of fat lacaba and calves rest CORN. LONDON. Coring Report.

attendance Mark -Jane afternoon. wheat gaiet Northern Manitoba No. A American gaite 25 sh*te Black held for 30 ebte. Oats a quiet trade, white Lites marine and River Plate ea PRODUCE. LONDON, Report Both up fair trade Continental tellers sold A crust Futures slow unaltered.

quiet changed. Heisp Rabbet hard fine. 10 per Linseed 0.1 Terpentine 42 dearer. LIVER POOL -The following to-day'e efficial April. etober May f14 OctoberTone Quietly steady, ADVERTISING MANXLAND.

Following up Lord Ragian's advice to agitate for an advertising rate for the Isle Man. public meeting was held at Onchan last night favour of providing increased funds. A resolution was unanimously carried askine that rate be levied thronghout the island on condition that the £1,750 grant from the revenue was not reduced and put on permanent basis. Tie Countess of Dudley continues to make satisfactory progress. Mr.

Plowden adjourned the hearing of cases at Marlborough-strent Police Court, London, yesterday until the noise caused by the re building operations at Hengler's had ceased. Mr. James Waugh, headmaster of the Cardiff Intermediate School, died yesterday after undergoing an operation for cancer. Deceased was well known in the scholastic profession. The Speech from the Throne at the opening of the Quebec Legislature, yesterday, among other important measures, legis.

lation for the creation of a court for juvenile offenders and the establishment of a school of forestry. the St. Elphin Lodge (3287). Varrington, Bro. James Waldron was installed Worshipful Master, the installing master being W.

Bro. Thomas Hall, 1.P.M. The new W. M. invested his officers as follows -Bros.

W. H. Owen, 8.W. J. W.

Bowen, J.W.; W. Bro. William Hodgkinson, treasurer: Bros. Thomas 8. Steel, secretary: 1 S.D.: J.

H. ilerwood, J.D.: James Parkinson, organist: Jas. Barton, 10: J. Finlayson, Tenac Broade and Bro. Franklin Garside, stewards.

F. Dell. trier and W. Bro. A.

F. G. Potter, P.M., charity representative. Classification Advertisem*nts in Pages Received 1, 2, Too 3, Late and for Los: and Found and Puolio Meticos. and arrange for Saturday Morning.

Liverpool. do James Chuzea and New PURSE, contain. 43 uitably on 155, Victoria m16 Green. RING 5948.16 Diamond STAYED BITCH: White Mona warded on to on For Terrier DUO; black mark Minder Hotel, Monday 1410 and County Mole coloured Oust use 29. OT.

Wednesday the 9th Empire Theatre, Limest, ate Great a Gold Diamond Maltable reward 1. Light Tertiet and 0a collar. iterard-205, Gt. Homerel. Detainer prosecuted.

5927116 LOST. feathery answers tot 3m 18 14th small BR diamond, 4 surrounded by Tuebrook, 7802mle OST. TORE BE. Jain 5-rd. or OnE: Waterloo.

Plain Geld OROS8. Finder suitable Uabdale-nd. OST. March 15, Black And Van PUPPY, white jeward on restoring London-1d. 16 OST.

Mondiy. Afternoon, and UMBRELL. crook, gold rewarded Queen Stone, Monday. Gold 4 Reward given at 6-7. The Arcade, OST, Bunday afternoon.

Brighton Prom. a white Ball DOG (pupps), -Plesce communicate, inorning, Station. Geld SPECTACLES in sanded on restoring at 60, A OWNERS WANTED, The ARTICLES following bare TO been DAY'S POUND OFFICIAL and handed LIST the Police: Found in the Chato laine, Bag, Pendant, Fountain Pen, Watch and Chain, Ring. Belts, Golesber, 1 Handteg. Left in Cabs: Stick, Gloves, Bool, Braceleta, Bangie, Overcoat, Claimanta abonid Central Pelion Satardaye and produce this Gisem*nt from the in aid and fatuily.

Witaing 3052. 2nd payment of 1d. MATRICE 676, JONES 829, 108, 1160, Tell ich. 719. 1216.

998. 009. 411, 1149. 1216. 1028.

497. 785. 141, 703, 566, 545, 1098, 607, 552, 507, 602, 145, DRAW. 227. 286.

169 407, 199, particulars m16 of DRAW aid Fund -Winning 5816, 3225, 1614, 1952, 252, 8434, 7479. 1574. m16 Winning m16 March 26-Disine GROUNDS WILL Secretaries ho desirons of bolding throughout the coming grass in ade APPLICATION FOR DATES to tatment, several dates apply MORTON, street, Liverpool, Per Remainder of Lost and Found Advertisem*nts Sea Pago 1. BIRTHS. Walton Park, to Dr.

M. Abern, DOBSON- -March Seacom be, Will patter. Fast London, to Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, a daughter.

JOHNSON-March 15, at 105. Seabank-road, Liscard, the wife of Johnson, destia4 lane, Bootle, to Mr. and Jerome 0 Beech daughter. 15, 110. Saxony Liverpool, the of William Pender, of a WALKER-March near Preston, to Mr.

Waller, oghter (both doing well). MARRIAGES. MOUTON 15, Church. Liverpool, by the Her, R. Blancharde, George Allisco.

600 of George Morton, to Florins, second daughter of the late Donnelly, both of this city. 15. by the Lancelot, eider son James Wilkie Mabel, younger Preston. DEATHS. BARKERWilton Barker.

Interment Saturday afternoon 3 o'clock. residence Price Hannah Interest BLAKE-February 34 daughter of 16 Julis and the late Martin Carroll R.I.P. dearls-beleted arrangements later.) 16, his 80th John Duly, Interment Kirkdale on Sunday next. GRACE -March 40, Walton. Obarles, the and John and Grace at A abeld tery, to-tantrow Thuredayl, at 3.50 perfect Peace." (Friends please anis -March 14, Hillside road, the late year, Susannah, youngest daughter of Robert Hetheringion, Maryport, Cemberland.

Interment mad Cemetery, to morrow (Thunday) morning. 11.50. -March Clarissa KEMP- March 14, at 50, aged 28 NIXON -Much Cupid at meet, Kirby. Interment at 3.15 Willow Grove, Stockport, Moor. and Mr.

Rydro-arense, James Arthur, the JOHNSON 15, Arthur. the belored of Mary Riddell. Jobreon. this--the danenter intent of March 1 at John 15, the Lee dear (Friends Cemetery mother please Friday. closed Nixon, sergeant 1 major 2nd VA.

Intertent Derby Friday pert, at 4 15, at 70, Richard, beloved of Unsworth. (No dowers by request) VALE--March 15, at belored wife of Holy Cauteh. Requiem Altan's. Liscard. Saturday Match 10 at Wallary tory, 11 o'clock.

R.I.P. IN MEMORIAM. GIV A NOVICH-In boring Antonio 1 dearly in ever loring memory 16, belered mother of Minab, March 1905. in ber 91et CONDOLENCE PYR-Mrs. Pre and Family wish to thank their foral friends for tributes their kind their of eye pathy Clarence street.

Employment Wanted BY pectable -3315. of Daily cot he DAILY partial retired Rock ESPEOTABLE light mod. salary. 413. Debo office, Birkenhead.


10.45 PORTO RICO, THOMAS, DOMINGO, French packet: and CONTINENT OF G.PO. 10.45 TO-MORROW NORWAY. 10.15 BRAZIL, RIVER from CONTINENT OF EUROPE, G.P.0. 10.45 Am the Adriatic, Monday morning -Mail looked on Saturday SOUTH Ore pess Mon morning. CANADA.

the of likely bands on WENT Letter 00 arse Monday nest. SUICIDE IN MID-CHANNEL. TRAGIC AFFAIR ON DIEPPE STEAMER A man whose identity is at present unknown committed suicide yesterday on the Dieppe steamer La Marche. The vessel was making the journey to Newhaven, and when about half way across one of the sailors noticed a passenger leaning over the rails, end warned him of the danger he was ning of falling or being wasbed overboard The man, on heing spoken to, walked away, and he was not seen alive again. When the steamer arrived at Newharen one of the third-class passengers was found to be missing.

Search made, and on the spot where the man was noticed leaning over the rails sis-chambered revolver was picked up, Fire chambers were louded. and sisth bore signs of having been recently discharged. On the deck close by were traces of blood. It is presumed that the owner the weapon shot himself and then jumped into the sea. JUDGE AND FUNERAL FESTIVAL -In compensation award case, which came before his Honour Judge Lloyd, at Holywell County Court, on Tuesday his honour was asked to allow a in sum to funeral be paid out of the fund court for the espenses the deerased man.

His Honone remarked that ho could not allow all the sum. He didn't with to reflect harshly upon the relatives, but on these occasions the funerals appeared to be regarded in the nature of festivals. Persons Wanted 13 WORDS- ONE DAY HD; THREE DAYS I It you want saperior Foreman, Agent, Skilled Workman of any desription. ad repin the Liverpool Dally Post and which tamons for its wide and bigh advertising connection. numerous testimonials prove LLERTON AIl Hallows' -Vacancy for lead 1.

Church, Treble, Wednesday good soloist: salary quarter. Apply or 7 o'clock, A and For Vaude rille terms, Smith. Salaried Taratre 5903m 18 Holme, Butcher, 265, Wallasey farming 16 and 20 of ate to to Ralph G. Lester, Caunda. E19 down and char a bear 22 Echo Hand Head Bodice Skirt Hand: Bangor.

anars Apprentices Bodice Min Makers, Isington. Jones. 2797m16 EX CONCRETE REINFORCED Pupil -For particulars, in fret instance, 18, Er be general and Sone, 59 3 bright, about assist. After to Brighten 107. 15.

working tinninz machine. stalls, and Singers miles) Brighten. Chester. to Bruck m18 Platemas good personal Derby st. 5892 16 (25-50): 620: at at, 5892116 Alina or Polabers Cabinet maker m18 for jobbing 15.

Echo req Young Lady. to sit mornings good rem hands Friday, 11 to Studio. 31, 2711m 18 benmald office. for jesterant Ad alar 0. 23.

ho Also Collar Machinist, Fancy The Troner: young Girl, to parking sorting Laundry. John 6094m16 and Berter and very full responel. bility: to Priory grove, North. 2799110 ACHINISE Tor al House. ST, Lev 1, M'.

experienced, most about good 30. to drive 10 mineral m16 good, Durant, 2766m18 C.M.BJ; salary and uniform furnished room, and Paperience district work testimonials and refs. to Mias Bandbach, 19: 1a18 PICE Boy: good writer. 177. Echo smart, manufacturer 18 Quantity Clerk required for in North Liverpool; abia ass socounts and estimates from plans, experience and wages required, 8 183, Veho m16 shorthand and typing: natal hare knowledge of company shipping.

freighte, Lad rates calary £120 -U 4 Frba offre. SIGNWRITING Decorating -A Improvers, at 2771m 18 for large Chester and North Wales district: give full particulars. Echo Chester, 13 TAGE. to tase part in sketch: also Boy. fog juvenile.

Lads, with bust. 30, 5952m23 and a Buttonbole also 105. 1033 costa. 21A, 2769-18 Vest Hands for inside constant. Jameson and Jones, 142, 2716m18 gonda) for North and Chester: Welshman preferred: none bat mag ability need Testimonials and partie 136.

Echo INDOW Reece no Sone in chandlery YOUNG to in once; used E. Brooke, 151, Burke 5928118 YOUNG Blouse and Under clothing 11 5886m YOUNG and do Echo for good amens; to bores. Derby. 2762m For Remainder of Persons Wanted Sea Page Closes and Typists Wanted. WORDS- ONE DAY, 90: THREE DAYS, Per Further Rates ton Cel Shortband-Typist, distr experience, and salary, a of this HORTHAND and pre Leonard Davies, Arrountant, m18 For Remainder of Claris and Typists Sea Page 1.

Rouse Servants Wanted WORDS-ONE DAY, VD: THALE For Farther Rates de ton Bet (TOOK GENERAL, interview for Bold OUR TENERAL, once: thoroughly ExperT. letter keeper, Fairfield. min GENERAL: 3 maid 218. -11, Desman drive, FoR for kitchen and 1 work Southport, with Wetnal, ledge cooking. Also Young about 17-16, street.

5691 m18 Preston, no registry. of this Rock m18 once. Hotel, South 26201 Immediately; family died young loun 8 to 6.30 alternate Sunday OS of; 95. office of this m22 Protestant letter, 627, m18 capable state Hollingsorta, Manchester. out.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.