Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (2024)

If you’ve been looking for a repeat question or loop question or smart loops in a survey, you’ve probably come to theright place. Let’s pe deeper to get a full understanding of how and where to use them effectively.

  1. The Other Names of Repeat Questions
  2. What is a Repeat Question in Surveys?
  3. Why you should use the Repeating Question?
  4. How to create a Repeat Question using BlockSurvey?
  5. Additional Use cases
  6. What are the advantages of Repeat question, Loop question, Smart loops in surveys?

The Other Names of Repeat Questions

Repeat questions are also referred to or called Loop Question or SmartLoops in surveys.

What is a Repeat Question in Surveys?

Repeat question enables you to dynamically iterate through a set of questions based on responses to a multiple-choicequestion. With looping enabled, you can ask the same question or set of questions multiple times withoutcreating them manually.

Why you should use the Repeating Question?

Repeating or Looping helps you to iterate through a set of questions based on responses from amultiple-choice question. You can use a loop question when you want additional information about theresponses from a multiple-choice question. By using repeating questions you move your respondent awayfrom boring and lengthy surveys.

Becoming familiar with creating repeating questions will give your survey better response rates and faster completiontime. By using loop questions you move your respondent away from boring and lengthy surveys. You also add a funelement to your respondents’ user experience. Smart loops are highly helpful in areas like Customer experience,Brand experience, Employee experience, Product experience, and design experience.

Also Read: Question and AnswerPiping.

How to create a Repeat Question using BlockSurvey?

You can repeat the Other question or the Current question in Blocksurvey. Let's consider the following use cases as examples of how repeating questions can be beneficial across various industries.

Use case 1:

The question asks for a list of email services being used by a customer. Based on the selected email services, you’ll ask them to enter the corresponding email id. Let’s get started.

  1. Let's create a new survey in Blocksurvey.
  1. Create your first question. Let us assume we have a question like below.
    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (1)
  1. Create your second question like below to get email id. The @ character(recall function) comes in handywhile creating repeating questions. The recall basically gets the answer from the first question.
    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (2)
  1. With recall set on the second question, Turn on the option named ‘Repeat question’ under the Options tab. And select the repeat question as 'Current Question' and the repeat by as 'Options'.
  1. Select the Source question as ‘Question 1’ i.e., is the from source question. In thisexample here ‘Select all email services you use?’
  1. In the source question choices, go for ‘Selected choices’ for now. (Otheroptions are All the choices and Unselected choices). That’s it. You are good to go.

Now let’s put the repeating questions to test. Go to preview to get started.

Assuming we have selected Gmail and Zoho options for the source question and click Next.

    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (3)

On preview, you will see repeating questions like below.

For Gmail selection.

    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (4)

For Zoho selection.

    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (5)

Creating your first repeating question may seem a little daunting task. But by mastering to create a loop question,you are definitely one step closer to giving your respondent a better user experience. Here is a quick demo ofanother repeat example in realtime for you to play withClick Here.

Use case 2:

Now let's say a manager needs to know how many members are there in a team and want the name of the team members.

  1. Let us assume we have a question like below.
  2. Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (6)
  3. In the second question let's get the team member's names.
  4. Now in Question 2 turn on Repeat question under Options and select the repeat question as 'Current Question' and the repeat by as 'Source question's count'.
  5. Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (7)
  6. Select the source question as ‘Question 1’ i.e., How many members are on your Team?
  7. For this type of repeat your source question must be of a number type.

Now let’s preview the repeating questions:

Assuming we have 3 members in a team. Question 2 is repeated 3 times and now we can enter the team member's name.

    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (8)

Use case 3:

In this case, you wanted to ask your students to list 5 animal names in a quiz. Repeat questions can also be used to get the animal names.

  1. You have a question like 'List 5 animal names'. Turn on Repeat question under Options and select the repeat question as 'Current Question'
  2. Now select the repeat question as 'Current Question' and the repeat by as 'Count'.And set the Count as 5.
  3. Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (9)

On preview, the question will be repeated 5 times and now the students can enter the names of 5 animals in the quiz.

    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (10)

Use case 4:

Suppose you wanted to ask about the mental health counseling sessions attended by the users in the last year? You can simply use repeat questions for this as well.

The questions might look like below.

    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (11)

Now in Question 2 let's set the repeat and select the repeat question as 'Other Question'.And set a condition.

    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (12)

Now try it yourself in a preview.

Enter the first session details and if you have attended a few more sessions you can select 'Yes' and enter the next session details.

If you pick 'No' for Question 2 you can exit the repeat question and submit your survey.

    Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (13)

Repeat questions cannot be used in a few question types like Web 3 Identity Verification, Cart, and Payment.

Additional Use cases


Q1: Choose all the movies you have watched from the list. (Question Type: Choose Multiple)

Which is having 10 options (The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, The Dark Knight, Fight Club, Inception, Forrest Gump, The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars).

Q2: Have you watched any other movie in recent times?

(This question has two options Yes & No).

Let us assume Q2 has the repeat question turned on and "Other Question" is set as the repeat question type. Here Q2 is the source question and set a condition if the respondent picks “Yes” then repeat Q1.

Use case 1: Repeat the Other question based on the answer for the current question.

Let’s say the respondent picks “The Godfather” as the movie in Q1 and if he picks “Yes” in Q2, then Q1 and Q2 will be repeated to pick the next movie name. This repetition will continue until the respondent selects "No" in Q2, indicating that they have listed all the movies watched.


Q1: Choose your favorite movies from the list. (Question Type: Choose Multiple)
Which is having 5 options (The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, The Dark Knight, Fight Club).

Q2: Rate “@Q1”?(Question Type: Rating)

Using the recall function “@”, Q1 is recalled in Q2.

Let us assume Q2 has the repeat question turned on and set "Current Question" as the repeat question type, "Options" as the repeat by, and Q1 as the source question. By setting different source question choices the current question will be displayed. And if the respondent selects 3 of his favorite movies in Q1( The Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Knight, Pulp Fiction).

Use case 2.1: Set “Selected choices” as the source question choices

In this case, the current question Q2 will be repeated like below,

Q2. Rate “The Shawshank Redemption”

Q3. Rate “The Godfather”

Q4. Rate “Pulp Fiction”

Use case 2.2: Set “Unselected choices” as the source question choices

In this case, the current question Q2 will be repeated like below,

Q2. Rate “The Dark Knight”

Q3. Rate “Fight Club”

Use case 2.3: Set “All the choices” as the source question choices.

In this case, the current question Q2 will be repeated like below,

Q2. Rate “The Shawshank Redemption”

Q3. Rate “The Godfather”

Q4. Rate “Pulp Fiction”

Q5. Rate “The Dark Knight”

Q6. Rate “Fight Club”


Q1: How many movies have you watched in recent times? (Question Type: Number)

Q2: What is the name of the movie? (Question Type: Short text)

Use case 3: Set "Current Question" as the repeat question type and "Source Question's Count" as the repeat by parameter.

If the respondent says it’s 5 as the number of movies watched in Q1 then the Q2 will be repeated like below,

Q2: What is the name of the movie?

Q3: What is the name of the movie?

Q4: What is the name of the movie?

Q5: What is the name of the movie?

Q6: What is the name of the movie?


Q1: Enter the name of the movie. (Question Type: Short text)

Enable the repeat question option in Q1.

Use case 4: Set "Current Question" as the repeat question type and "Count" as the repeat by parameter.

If the count value is set as 3 then Q1 will be repeated like below,

Q1: Enter the name of the movie

Q2: Enter the name of the movie

Q3: Enter the name of the movie

What are the advantages of Repeat question, Loop question, Smart loops in surveys?

Businesses can use repeating questions to receive feedback on the product, support, and delivery, without creatingmultiple surveys to get feedback. There are multiple advantages of using repeating questions or looping logic insurveys. It reduces response time and helps in thoughtful and dynamic survey. This is why it isalso called as smart loops. It helps you to quickly replicate a set of questions based on the responsefrom a source question.

Also Read: Skip Logic Survey.

At BlockSurvey, we want to make you get full advantage of repeating questions, loop questions, or smart loops. TeamBlockSurvey has made this easy for you. It’s time to try out some repeating questions and put them to use foryour audience. To make your learning process easier we have put together the repeating question template to get started with your BlockSurvey journey.

Making Repeating Questions In Surveys Easy With BlockSurvey | BlockSurvey (2024)


Can surveys contain repeated questions? ›

There are multiple advantages of using repeating questions or looping logic in surveys. It reduces response time and helps in thoughtful and dynamic survey. This is why it is also called as smart loops. It helps you to quickly replicate a set of questions based on the response from a source question.

Why should you repeat the question before answering it? ›

Repeating the question ensures you understood it correctly. Repeating the question gives you time. You may not know the answer right away, but as you repeat the question you are thinking in the background, giving you the extra time you may need to formulate your answer.

What type of questions should you avoid using in a questionnaire? ›

Summary of survey questionnaire best practices

Don't lead the witness: avoid leading questions. Don't make assumptions: avoid loaded questions. Don't overload your questions: avoid double-barreled questions. Don't use confusing language: avoid jargon.

What is the best way to answer survey questions? ›

Survey Answers 101: 10 Actionable Tips and Best Practices
  • Survey Answers.
  • Begin with the End in Mind.
  • Use Simple Language.
  • Answer Options Should Be Mutually Exclusive.
  • Good Survey Answers are Collectively Exhaustive.
  • Provide an Alternative Answer.
  • Add Labels to Rating Scales.
  • Change the Order of Your Answer Options.
Jul 31, 2024

What should you avoid when creating a survey? ›

Here are 9 survey mistakes to avoid in order to get better data and make better decisions.
  1. Loaded questions and leading words. ...
  2. Misplaced questions. ...
  3. Mutually non-exclusive response categories. ...
  4. Non-exhaustive listings. ...
  5. Nonspecific questions. ...
  6. Confusing or unfamiliar words. ...
  7. Forcing respondents to answer. ...
  8. Unbalanced listings.

Should survey questions have answers that overlap? ›

In other words the choices should not overlap and they should cover all possible answers to the question. This seems straightforward enough, but that's not always the case.

What is the repeated question technique? ›

Repeat questions are the same questions that the source has already answered. It is a questioning technique to ensure accuracy, particularly when you suspect that the source is lying to you.

What is it called when you repeat a question? ›

Echolalia is the repetition of words or phrases spoken by someone else. Children use echolalia as they learn how to communicate.

What is the first thing you should always do when answering multiple choice questions? ›

Come up with the answer in your head before looking at the possible answers, this way the choices given on the test won't throw you off or trick you. Be sure to read all the answers before selecting the correct one. There may be two that are similar but only one is right. Don't read anything in or out of the question.

What is an example of a bad survey question? ›

An example of a bad survey question is one that uses convoluted language or specific terminology the respondent may not understand. For example: Did you find our website design intuitive?

What are the dos and don ts of a questionnaire? ›

First, it's good to understand the dos and don'ts of effective survey design.
  • Don't ignore mobile users. ...
  • Don't design long questionnaires. ...
  • Don't ask redundant questions. ...
  • Don't use verbose language. ...
  • Don't choose question types at random. ...
  • Don't ignore survey takers' needs. ...
  • Don't forget about quality assurance.
Nov 9, 2022

What are the 5 questions to ask in a survey? ›

These 5 basic questions—how, why, who, when, and what—don't get as much attention as the more popular questions you include in your survey. But they should.

How do you get a lot of responses to a survey? ›

How to increase your survey response rates
  1. Use incentives. ...
  2. Use a survey panel. ...
  3. Use cognitive dissonance. ...
  4. Do it now. ...
  5. Pick the right channel. ...
  6. Keep it short and focused. ...
  7. Be honest about the expectations. ...
  8. Tap into self-perception theory.

What is the most popular survey question type? ›

Multiple choice questions are the most popular survey question type. They allow your respondents to select one or more options from a list of answers you define.

What is the best survey method? ›

For surveys that include a target population you already have access to and can enumerate, online or telephone surveys will work well. If literacy or language obstacles are present, face-to-face interviews are your best option.

What is repetitive survey? ›

Repeated surveys — a technique for asking the same questions to different samples of people — allows researchers the opportunity to analyze changes in society as a whole. This book begins with a discussion of the classic issue of how to separate cohort, period, and age effects.

Can multiple choice questions be included in surveys? ›

Multiple choice questions are used in almost every survey: their simplicity makes surveying easier for both creators and respondents. They're a surefire way to gather clear, concise survey data that can be easily parsed and shared.

Which of the following types of survey questions should be avoided? ›

Avoid loaded questions

Loaded questions are questions written in a way that forces the respondent into an answer that doesn't accurately reflect his or her opinion or situation. This key survey mistake will throw off your survey respondents and is one of the leading contributors to respondents abandoning surveys.

Why do surveys ask the same question in different ways? ›

Asking the same questions at different points in time allows us to report on changes in the overall views of the general public (or a subset of the public, such as registered voters, men or Black Americans), or what we call “trending the data”.


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.