Newest Bug Rumors - Page 2 (2024)

New bug news from oversea's/non-English codexes via Dakka:

warriors come with devs and scything talons standard

can exchange talons for
rending claws
pair of boneswords
bonesword and lashwhip

1 warrior may exchange devourer for strangler or venom cannon

may exchange devourer for
rending claws free
spinefists free
scything talons free (can't be exchanged again)

adrenal glands (furious charge)
toxin sacs (poison)

tyrant guard.

comes with scything talons and rending claws, entire unit can replace talons with either
lash whips
a bonesword


comes with two scything talons standard

instinctive behavior - feed
"living battering ram" +2 I when it charges.

may exchange one pair of scything talons for crushing claws -
adds d3 attacks but reduces initiative to 1 (probably overrides battering ram)

May replace scything talons with
twin linked deathspitter
twin linked devourer with MC ammo

may exchange one pair of talons for one of the following
heavy barbed strangler
heavy venom cannon
(one of the following = no VC/BS sniperfexes anymore)

may have the following biomoprhs
spore cysts (frag grenades)
bioplasma (12" plasma cannon)

if the squad numbers 1 you may take a drop pod etc
Tail weapons? Gone, head biomorphs, gone except for regen

Unit type: Infantry
Weapons and Biomorphs: Chitin, Scything Talons.

Special Rules: Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Fleet, Move Through Cover

Swift: Hormagaunts have very strong hind legs, with which they pursue their prey in a series of further jumps.
When a unit of Hormagaunts run, roll three dice and the highest result determines how far they move.

Mycetic Spore
may be purchased as a dedicated transport for certain tyranid units etc

WS2 BS2 S6 T4 W3 I1 A3 ld5 4+ sv
monsterous creature

comes with lash whips and "climbing tentacles" (6" S6 AP- Assault 6 shooting attack)

May take ONE of the following weapons

Thorn blast (18" S5 AP- assault 1 large blast)
thorn volley (18" S5 AP4 assault 4)
twin-linked deathspitter (18" S5 AP5 assault 3)
barbed strangler (36" S4 AP5 assault 1 large blast pinning)
venom cannon (36" S6 AP4 assault 1 blast, -1 on vehicle damage chart)

special rules

(deepstrike rather than shock troopers, based on everything else that has it)
limited awareness
transport spore

limited awareness:
Mycetic Spores possess only rudimentary intelligence, and will attack anything they can find. Mycetic Spores are not subject to instinctive behavior. At the beginning of each shooting phase they automatically attack the nearest/next enemy unit unless they are locked in close combat.

transport spore:
Same gak as the trygon. Deepstrike from reserves, roll to scatter as normal. If the scatter would take into impassable terrain or onto enemy models then reduce the scatter to the minimum needed to prevent this etc.

Can transport up to 20 infantry or one monsterous creature. When the spore lands, the unit must immediately disembark. Place the models so they are within 2 inches of the spore. Any models that cannot be placed due to impassable terrain or enemy models within 1" are destroyed. Units may not move or assault on the turn they arrive but they may shoot as normal (or run).

immobile: Mycetic Spores cannot move after arriving on the battlefield. They may not seek protection (go to ground?) voluntarily or involuntarily. It may not consolidate at the end of an assault.

Death Leaper

comes with:
scything talons
rending claws
chameleon scales
flesh hooks (basically frag grenades, but also lets the model make a 6" S6 AP- assault 2 rending shooting attack)

Special rules:

Instinctive behavior lurk
Deadly (rends on 5s and 6s)
It's After Me!
Move through cover
pheromone trail (1+ to reserve rolls and deepstrikers within 6" do not scatter)
Hit and Run
What Was That?
What The heck?
Where Did It Go?

chameleon scales:
Unit begins in reserve even in missions when it isn't normally possible. When the unit arrives from reserves place it anywhere on the battlefield but more than 1" from an ememy model. The unit may not move or assault, but may shoot as per normal (including run).

It's After Me!:
pick an ememy chracter model at the start of the game and roll a d3. That model's leadership is reduced by the result for the rest of the game or until the Death Leaper is killed.

What Was That?:
All enemy infantry within 12" of the Death Leaper roll one less dice when moving through difficult terrain, to a minimum of one.

What The heck?: Enemy units that wish to target the Death Leaper must first make a check as if the Night Fight rules are in effect.

Where Did It Go?:
If the death Leaper ends its movement phase more than 1" away from an ememy model, the tyranid player may chose to merge him into the shadows. The death leaper is removed from play and placed in reserves. It may/is deployed the next movement phase as per the Chameleon Scales rules.

Termagants -

Brood size: 10-30 Termagants

Unit type: Infantry

Weapons and Biomorphs: Chitin, Teeth and Claws, Fleshborers

Special Rules: Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk, Move Through Cover

Dedicated transport:
If a brood numbers 20 or fewer models, they may take a landing spore transport. See page 90 for points cost.

For every 10 Termagants in the brood, one may replace its fleshborer with:
- Strangleweb ..................
The entire brood may replace their fleshborers with:
- Spinefists ........................
- Spike rifles .......................
- Devourers .........................
The entire brood may be given the following:
- Adrenal glands ................
- Toxin sacs ......................

The Creeping Tide: For each Termagant brood included in the army, one (1) Tervigon may be taken as a Troops choice. See page 87 for points cost.

Spike Rifle: The spike rifle is a living tube of bone lined with muscle that contains a series of harpoon like sodium(acidic?) spikes. These spikes are accelerated so greatly that they have, even at long range, sufficient force to pierce the body of a target. Those who aren't killed immediately often bleed to death when the spikes are removed as they are covered with sharp barbs which can tear the blood vessels in the victim if great care is not taken.
Range:18" S3 AP- Assault 1

Strangleweb: (Colour text goes here, couldn't be bothered translating it)
Range: Flamer Template S2* AP- Assault 1, Pinning
*Hits from the Strangleweb against non-vehicle models roll to wound against the unmodified value of the enemy model's Strength, not against the Toughness value.

Swarm Lord
monstrous creature

comes with all four tyrant psychic powers

weapons: bone-sabers

special rules:
synapse creature
Alien Cunning
blade shield
psychic monstrocity
shadow in the warp

Attacks made with the bonesabres automatically cause instant death, regardless of the opponent's toughness. In addition, all successful saving throws made against wounds caused by the bone-sabres must be rerolled.

Blade Shield:
The swarmlord has a 4+ invulnerable save in close combat.

At the begining of your shooting phase, the Swarmlord may take command of one unit within 18". This unit gains ONE of the following special rules: Acute Senses, Prefered Enemy or Furious Charge. This bonus lasts until the end of your turn.

psychic monstrocity:
The Swarmlord has an 18" synapse range and may use two psychic powers per turn.

Alien Cunning:
As long as the Swarmlord is alive, add +1 to all reserve rolls. In addition you may reroll the board edge for any units arriving on the board via outflank.
Some more Info:

comes with
lash whips
toxic miasma

special rules:
instinctive behavior: feed
spore cloud
toxic touch (poisoned 2+)

Spore Cloud:
The venomthrope and all friendly UNITS within 6 inches receive a 5+ cover save against all attacks made against them. The spore cloud also provides them with defensive grenades. Any enemy units that attacks one of these units must take a dangerous terrain test, which represents the toxic effect of this cloud. If the venomthrope is killed, these benefits will be lost immediately.



comes with scything talons (two pairs)

instinctive behavior: feed
acute senses
deep strike
move through cover

each model may exchange one pair of scything talons for
rending claws

the entire brood may have 1 of the following options
spinefists (12" S3 AP5 assault X twin-linked)

Brood size: 10-30 Gargoyles

Unit type: Jump troops

Weapons and Biomorphs: Blinding Poison, Chitin, Teeth and Claws, Fleshborers, Wings

Special Rules: Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk

The entire brood may be given the following:
- Adrenal glands
- Toxin sacs


Comes with as standard:

Acidic Cyst (flamer S6 AP4 assault 1, placed 12" away like hellhound flamer)
Thorn Volley (18" S5 AP4 assault 4)
Thorax Swarm Shock Maggots (flamer S5 AP5 assault 1)

special rules:
instinctive behavior - lurk

May replace Acidic Cyst with:
borer nest (12 "S4 AP5 Assault 20)
capsule cannon (48 "S10 AP4 assault 2)

May replace Thorn Volley with:
thorn blast (18" S5 AP- assault 1 blast) - free

May replace shock Thorax Swarm Shock Maggots with:
Thorax Swarm (Saurglarven) Toxic? (flamer S1 AP- always wounds on a 2+) - free
Thorax Swarm (Splitterschalenkafer) Armor Peeling? (flamer S3 AP- rending) - free

May take


monstrous creature

scything talons
sporemine cysts
thorn volley
twin-linked heavy barbed strangler (36" S6 AP5 assault 1 large blast pinning)

special rules
instinctive behavior - lurk
Piercing Shriek
living bomb (only sporemines)

may replace twin-linked heavy barbed strangler with:
twin linked heavy venom cannon (48" S9 AP4 assault 1 blast -1 on damage table)

May replace thorn volley with:
thorn blast - free

may take:

Spore Mine Cysts:
once during the movement phase when you move the harpy, you may choose to drop a spore mine cluster. Choose an enemy model the harpy has flown over, the harpy then resolves an attack using the following profile:
S4 AP4 assault d3 large blast
if the blast scatters onto empty ground place a spore mine cluster and follow the spore mine rules for it etc etc.

Piercing Shriek:
The harpy's cry is so loud that its victims can do little more than shield their ears when it attacks. It counts as being equipped with frag grenades and the enemy unit attacked by the harpy halves their initiative (rounded up) for the rest of the close combat.


Brood size: 1 Mawloc

Unit type: Monstrous Creature

Weapons and Biomorphs: Hardened Exoskeleton, Teeth and Claws

Special Rules: Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Reburrow, Deep Strike, Fearless, "Fallback" (Hit & Run?), Terror From The Deep

May be given the following:
- Adrenal glands
- Toxin sacs
- Regeneration

Terror From The Deep: When a Mawloc enters the game following the rules for Deep Strike and lands where there is already another model, no roll is made on the Deep Strike Mishap Table, but instead the following occurs:

Place the 5-inch blast template directly above the point at which the Mawloc breaks out of the ground. Each unit affected by the template takes a number of S6 AP2 hits, which corresponds to the number of models of the unit that are wholly or partially under the template. Hits against vehicles will be directed against the rear armour. Any surviving models are moved the minimum distance to the side of the template while keeping in legal formation and avoiding impassable terrain. Units that were locked in close combat before the Mawloc's attack must, if possible, be kept in base contact with enemy models. Otherwise, however, opposing models must be no closer than 1 inch apart. Vehicles, even if immobilised, retain their orientation when they are moved. Any models that cannot be moved from the area covered by the template are destroyed. After all casualties have been removed and all models have been moved, replace the 5-inch template with the Mawloc.

Reburrow: A Mawloc can decide at any point in its movement phase to reburrow, as long as it is not bound in close combat. In doing so it is removed from the table and placed back in Reserve. In your next movement phase, it can automatically return to the table following the Deep Strike rules. Note that a Mawloc cannot arrive via Deep Strike and reburrow in the same turn.

Hive tyrant psychic powers

The Horror
This psychic power is a shooting attack that automatically hits a single non-vehicle unit of the enemy within 12 inches. The unit must take a moral test or fall back. No effect on fearless units.

This psychic power is a shooting attack that automatically hits a single non-vehicle unit of the enemy within 12 inches. The unit suffers d3 S3 AP2 hits. The tyrant recovers wounds equal to the number of wounds caused by this attack, up to its maximum wounds.

This psychic power is a shooting attack that automatically hits a single non-vehicle unit of the enemy within 12 inches. Until the start of the next turn, the Weapon Skill and Balistic Skill of the target unit is reduced to 1.

Psychic scream
This psychic power automatically hits all non-vehicle units of the enemy within 2d6 inches. Any unit hit must take a leadership check. If the test is failed, they suffer a wound for each point the test was failed by, with no save allowed.

Trevigon psychic powers

translators note: a tervigon comes with Domination for free and may also purchase any of the others.

This psychic power is used during the movement phase. If it succeeds, one friendly model within 12 inches has the feel no pain special rule until the beginning of the next turn.

This psychic power is used at the beginning of your movement phase, before tests for instinctive behavior. If it succeeds, the synapse range of the trevigon is extended to 18 inches.

This psychic power is a psychic shooting attack that hits one friendly unit within 12 inches automatically. this unit can run and shoot in the same phase. it may do so even if under the effects of insintctive behavior feed. However, this unit still may not assault after running unless it also has fleet.

Broodlord psychic powers

translators note: Broodlord gets both for free.

Aura of Despair:
This psychic power is used at the beginning of your assault phase. if it succeeds, all enemy units within 12" suffers a -1 modifier to their leadership. If there are multiple broodlords in range of the enemy unit, the effect is cumulative.

Hypnotic Stare:
This psychic power is used during the assault phase, after moving models into base contact but before resolving any attacks. If it succeeds, choose an enemy model in base contact with the broodlord. both players roll a d6 and add the leadership value of their respective models. if the broodlord's result is equal or higher than the enemy's, that enemy model may not make any attacks until the following assault phase. this only effects models with a leadership value.

The Parasite of Mortrex
comes with
injector (wounds of 6 cause instant death)
rending claws

Special rules:
synapse creature
host body
parasitic implant
independent character
shadow in the warp
"The Sarge is acting strange..."

Host Body:
ripper swarms that are within 24" of the The Parasite of Mortrex do not have to take instinctive behavior tests.

Parasitic Implant:
Each model that suffers an unsaved wound from the parasite must take a toughness test. If the test is failed, roll a d6. At the end of the combat phase, place this many ripper swarm bases within 6 inches of the The Parasite of Mortrex. Any bases that cannot be deployed due to impassible terrain or enemy models within 1" are destroyed.

"The Sarge is acting strange...":
Every single outflanking unit could conceal a soldier who is inflected with a Ripper Parasite. At the end of the movement phase a single model (of the owner's choice) in each of these outflanking units must take a toughness test. If the test is failed, the model is removed immediately as a casuality and the tyranid player may place d6 ripper bases within 6" of the victim. If the victim was/is in a transport vehicle, it is assumed they were already outside or thrown outside before they died. Any bases that cannot be deployed due to impassible terrain or enemy models within 1" are destroyed.

Newest Bug Rumors - Page 2 (2024)


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.