Varney & Company : FBC : June 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> in june of an election year,

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the idea that a can date would go down or -- candidate would go down or dark for a week is unheard of. >> cnn asks him what flavor ice cream he likes, i hope they ask him for a definitive explanation of what he's going to do. >> my big concern is this administration is walking itself into a missile crisis in space. >> biden people are running around trumpeting this economy and most of them have lost income just due to inflation under biden's presidency. >> he needs to let joe biden hang himself with his own rope.. he doesn't need to be standard donald trump because he base is going to vote for donald trump no matter what. stuart: the producer's playing people's song forming and just going. lauren: it's not that bad.

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stuart: monday. eight days a week. i like that song. it is 11:00 eastern time and look at markets and stellar gains going 400 points and 26 of the dow 30 are in the green and they're up and you've got about four losers and that's it. the nasdaq down 58 points and one-third of one%. show me big tech and mixed picture, very mixed. apple up and microsoft just close to $450 a share and it's going to get down. hovering around 4.25% a tad above that at 426. now this. the final round of championship on sunday and just staff oil invaded green at 18th hole. they set off flares and scattered some kind of substance on the grass, play was stopped

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for several minutes and several of the protesters wore shirts saying no golf on a dead planet. last week the same group sprayed orange paint on britain isoiconic stonehenge and before that, we reported extensively on the program, climate protesters defaced art work and monuments all across europe. are the olympics next? they begin july 26 and offer demonstrators the biggest sporting stage of them all. the climate crowd doesn't care about sporting competitions that athletes have been training for for years and they want maximum publicity because they think they're saving the planet. this group, just stop oil demands that governments agree to phase out all fossil fuels by 2030 and obviously an impossibility and these climate guys do not care. they should care. their tactics are turning people off. and the european elections earlier this month, the green party lost half its seats in germany and green pollties have

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been rolled back -- policies all across europe and disrupting olympics or european soccer championships being played and would surely hurt more. that's what's needed here. not just harsh punishment for the protesters but also serious question of their cause. it's time we understood that ending all fossil fuels by 2030 is an absolute impossibility and biden's green new deal is an expensive pipe dream. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve forbes with me this monday morning. i don't think they're winning over anybody with these tactics? >> i don't think they're pointing out consequences of what they're doing and not just the athletes and if you ended fossil fuels tomorrow, 4 billion

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people would starve to death and 4 billion dependent on fertifertilizers that come from natural gas and in terms of follow the science, he followed science miles per hour for automobiles would be three because it kills 40,000 people per year. get serious on the consequences of this. stuart: i think -- yeah, if they go after the olympics, i mean, i'm forgive my language but all hell breaks loose. >> and right think so. europe is seeing it and electricity costs in germany and de-dust ralizing three times the united states and there's no resources in the world to go like that. and already if want high-tech, there's energy and already the cloud consumes more electricity, twice as much as the entire nation of japan. it's just beginning. the use of electricity by high-tech and that's why in silicon valley now they're

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suddenly taking good looks at nuclear power and never would have done before. they need the power and need the juice. stuart: next one, steve. trump says he's campaigning in urban and that's blue cities and people need hope. listen to him. roll it. >> when you go to urban areas specifically; right, what is the game plan going to filly and the bronx and what's the plan? >> no game plan, just a lot of love. they want hope. there's no hope where this guy biden. he's the worst president we've ever had and there's no hope. i say it all the time now, i started like a week ago and didn't realize it and i'm saying if people need hope, i go out and see the greatest people and learning in the middle of the area and going with that and they want to have a future. stuart: steve, you're a new yorker and running for the presidency and it's a deep blue america in the cities? >> no, just the opposite and the sunshine the way ronald reagan did over 40 years ago and people

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know we have problems and they want to feel there's a future and going for society and one thing republicans have never done really in the past is ask for votes in certain communities and as a business person, we know. don't ask for the guest and trump is asking for the order and it's smart and will appeal to independents and not like them personally and it's the right policies and reaching out to you. that appeals to people. stuart: ronald reagan in 1984, 40 years ago, he went to the south bronx and looked at the devastation there and because he went and saw it, he won new york state, the republicans won new york state. >> last time they've done it. stuart: that's the last time they've did it. steve, thanks for joining us this morning. always appreciate it. check the markets and i'm intrigued at stuff on left hand side and is ai the new dot come

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bubble and some of the air coming out of ai bubble and >> whether i'm in the back of uber or talking to the co*cktail party and i'm asked the same question. and there's a fundamental difference and there's real sales and earning ands productivity and this is not a train that i'd want to get in front of. i don't necessarily want to jump on and buy with the two hands here either. i think what you're seeing today in the market is a healthy rotation and this is not deja vu all over again. stuart: it's some coming out of technology and it's a moving to other parts of the market. >> people are afraid to miss out and moving money right to left

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and people underperformed and vis-a-vis healthcare and energy and industrials and see some of the healthy rotation come out of some of those stuart: if you sell and make a nice profit in the last few months and sell and that's a short term capital game and your very high income tax rate. >> talking to my client this is afternoon, you're spot on. if you bought some of the stocks in the last year, you're up 100-200% f. you're in the highest tax bracket and sell before it goes long term, that's over a 50% gain, which implies that if you sell it now, you think these stocks will drop in half. and that and many other reasons

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i would not abandon your constituency of stocks. stuart: ira or 401(k) and ain't no capital gains tax on profit and pension plan. >> correct. i tell my clients treat your trades like trades and investments like investments and trades let your winners run and cut your losers short. if you have the platform like ira to do that, god bless in your taxable accounts and set it and forget it. many of these stocks are not tradeable. they're one decision stocks and buy it, hold it. lauren: buy now pay later and they think it's going to double from the previous and going to $42. they call them the leading buy now pay later company because they have the widest street. stuart: we used to call that lay

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away. buy it and don't put any money down and pay off especially if you're a loan for a few months and pay it off eventually. lauren: modern day lay away. stuart: still works. trump media and technology djt. lauren: look at that. they came out and expect to receive more than $69 million from the cash exercise of those warrants. they were exercised on june 20ts weekend we got what it brought in. stuart: cinemark. lauren: upgrades to buy and price target 26 and see meaningful box office improvement and inside out 2 doing fantastic and they like the debt reduction plans. stuart: hot weather to bring some in and that's cold weather. lauren: or cold weather around the holidays and maybe good movies. stuart: that's fair. coming up, we could get the trump immunity decision this week. former u.s. attorney guy lewis tells us which way he thinks the supreme court will go on this issue. migrants from venezuela being

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charged in the murder of a child in houston. they're being caught illegally crossing the border and released into the u.s.. are the hands of law enforcement tied when dealing with criminal migrants? sheriff thadeus cleveland on that next. ♪ (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going? we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at

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stuart: pro hamas protestses in los angeles blocked a synagogue. president biden wrote i'm appalled about the scenes in los angeles intimidating jewish members is uncurbable, anti-semitic and un-american and

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americans have the right to peaceful protest and blocking access to house of worship is engaging in violence and never acceptable. president biden is donald trump will face off for the first time in four years on thursday and likely seeing clashes particularly over the boarder and border and migrant crime. bill melugin is joining us. what is biden saying? >> he says it's been a disaster and this is the first time in four years that these two men are going to come face-to-face to establish a debate and happening after a week of high profile migrant crimes. last week alone, a handful of illegal aliens were arrested for the following crimes, the arrese and murder of myrrh linn, a rape and kidnapping of a 13-year-old girl in new york city and the strangulation of a 11-year-old

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girl in texas. and trump blamed biden for those crimes. >> day after day and week after week joe biden is releasing migrants into the community to rape, blunder and kill. we'll begin the largest domestic deportation operation in his history. and it's terrible. reporter: big city chaos and highest illegal crossings ever recorded with massive of single adult men all around the world and being caught and released into the u.s. and social dates years away and internal cbp data reveals 1.9 million known got aways snuck into the u.s. without apprehension during the biden administration. that is also a record high. trump and biden both visited the border on exact same day in february. that's when biden slammed trump

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for his part if killing the bipartisan border deal negotiated in the senate and trump criticized biden for allowing millions of illegal crossers to be released into the u.s.. a>> join me, join me instead of telling them to block it. instead of telling congress to block this. join me. >> this is a joe biden invasion. reporter: stuart come thursday night instead of sniping at each other on tv or social media, they'll have to come face-to-face and look at each other in the eye and debate one of the most polarizing topics in america today. back to you. stuart: that is accurate. bill melugin, thank you very much indeed. sheriff cleveland joining us now from texas. sheriff, are your hands tied when you have to deal with migrants and able to question them? what restrictions are on you?

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>> howdy, stuart. thank you for having me back. my hands aren't tied and the reason they're not is we have a governor in the state of texas, governor greg abbott supports us for enforcing the rule along the boarder and a district attorney in the state of texas and she supports my office and rest of county offices around this portion of the border to make sure that we're out there arresting illegal aliens and getting them indicted and our hands are simply not tied. we have seen what texas passed in the past legislation and going for that and and working for them and not sealing on the border and you've closed it enough to make the migrants go into california instead.

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>> it take as strong leader and that leader should be letting the rest of the world know and secure the border and you cross our boarders illegally. that's what governor abbott has done and let those coming into texas and in this administration, we've seen nothing but a complete dismantling of the border. stuart: have you caught come of the got aways in your county and what happened to them? >> so of course got aways are those we don't catch and here, you know, charging for this border patrol station for the last 11 years of my career. typically and continuing on, got aways is about 50% of the equation or we catch about 50% of the people that cross and 50% get away and that's not because of work resources in this part of texas and border patrol

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station and victim sector is a quarter of u.s. mexico boarder and 517 miles and my county and the border patrol station here is really going to cover 51 people and don't have enough to get out there and catch everything crossing our portion of the border. border. stuart: then ice shutting down a big migrant detention center in south texas and want to cut costs and close it down. where will they all go now? >> it's the administration forcing ice to shut it down. they make those calls and that being said, there's reports to follow money to other facilities and i don't see that happening here. i look at statistics this morning and look at 3500 bed stayses available and look at last specktive order we saw it

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for a few days dropping double figures down and we talk about border security and shouldn't be using numbers as a measure. border security and immigration are two separate issues and this administration is clearly more. stuart: msnbc panel erupted after the president of heritage, that's kevin roberts blasted a crime committed by illegal migrants. tell me more. lauren: who care what is they do. watch what you call them. they're not illegals, they're undocumented. watch. >> it's imperative we send those people back. planned parenthood of these people -- preponderance of those people. >> hawkeyes the difference between the illegal immigrant and unfortunately engaging in

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that activity? >> i want to be clear, we don't use the term illegallings. undocumented individuals. >> undocumented. lauren: well, what about the topic? migrant crime? are they denying that? stuart: specifically a 12-year-old girl. talking about that and you've got to call them by the right name. lauren: semantics. stuart: okay. lauren: almost not defenseable. stuart: move on before my head explodes. lauren: two new ufc leagues and american fighters and migrant fighters and take the winner of each and play each other. stuart: you're going to go and start a new migrant fight league and only migrants. at the end of the year, the

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champion migrant will fight your champion, and i hate to tell you, dan, i think the migrant might win. that's how tough they are. lauren: yeah. dana as in dana white, head of ufc, that was a joke. the point was migrants. biden migrant crime. he's saying it's really bad. stuart: but the media took it as oh, trump just loves violence and seeing people fighting. it was a joke. lauren: yes. lauren: bad idea but funny. stuart: have you ever gone on vacation and felt guilty about it? you're not alone and feeling about half of us feel guilty about asking for time off work. we have donald trump legal team asking to have changers in the classified docs case dropped. could that realistically happen? former u.s. attorney guy low wees will tell us. he's next. ♪

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bad. take a look at boeing, lauren, and tell me why it is up. lauren: it's a dow stock and prosecutors remmed that the doj bring criminal charges against boeing. justice officials say boeing violated a settlement with two deadly crashes of a 737 max five years ago and despite that report, look at stock, up 1.5%. stuart: apple, they're up despite some things against them. lauren: eu antitrust regulators accusing the apple store not letting customer medium soundses be sered to other alternatives and apple in talk withs meta about a partnership and it would be lucrative for both. stuart: trump team arguing to dismiss a motion against trump in the classified documents case. what have you heard from inside the courtroom now, jeff?

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reporter: yeah, stuart, no cameras are in recording devices and just got an update from the team a little while ago and special council jack smith getting inside today for the hearing here in ft. pierce, florida, and they told us trump's defense team is fine or putting pressure on this idea that the funding for special council comes from the government and they're bringing into question that there's this sort of unlimited budget for them to prosecute. now, all of this goes back to the idea that trump's defense team going to get the case thrown out and the fact they believe that special council jack smith was appointed in an unconstitutional way. they've filed a motion pushing after the former president made comments were out to kill him and his family during the search of mar-a-lago back in 2022.

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trump said in a fundraising e-mail that the fbi was "locked and loaded ready to take me out and put my family in danger. the legal team says that statement is not only false but endangers the lives of law enforcement and former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupre said it won't be an easy task for the judge to rule on this matter. >> judges basically have to draw a line and it's not annoyersy one to draw and have to ball listens and the integrity of the proceedings and violate the first amendment rights of the former president and others. it's not an easy task either. reporter: we'll be standing by for any sort of decision today in fort pierce, florida and what we have seen on friday is that a motion will be written motion will be ordered and released in the coming days by the judge in this case. stuart: jeff paul, thank you very much indeed.

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u.s. attorney guy lewis joins me. guy, what are the chances that judge cannon will dismiss jack smith's case? >> stuart, good morning. i don't think she'll completely totally dismiss it and there are extremely good odds here and these are serious, serious arguments, constitutional arguments and he's stealing the courtroom and listen, i think trump's great argument was here and i think this judge is the right judge to make the arguments too. she is a constitutional purist. and that's not what the government wants here. stuart: we could get the trump immunity ruling this week, we might. do you think some form of

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immunity was granted? >> i think he'll get immunity and not complete, total, absolute immunity but i think it'll be immunity frankly that affects this case, the new york case, and even the georgia case that's on life support as we speak right now. stuart: why is it taking so long? >> i wish i could tell you these things move at lightning pace and they don't. as jeff said, these are very difficult, serious issues. a will the of briefing and a lot of back and forth and i got to respect, listen, i know she's got a lot of detractors out there and people nipping at her robe, but i think she's taking -- judge cannon is taking this seriously, carefully,

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slowly, which is how we want constitutional issues resolved. stuart: okay. guy, thanks very much indeed for joining us this morning. always good stuff and appreciate it. see you later u thanks very much. >> a stuart: a judge in nevada dismissed the fake electorate case. lauren: she threw out the indictment against six prosecutors that prosecutors said illegally submitted to people that won in 2020 much the reason the sir tiff cats mounted from -- certificates were mounted and the nevada attorney general picked the wrong venue to try the case in clark county. according to local news reports, attorney general was unable to refile the case in carson city and douglas county and the statute of limitations to expire. stuart: that's out.

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lauren: meet the press that people will know trump is a "twice impeached convicted felon that sexually becaused women. i'd say that mean as jacked up joe will show and he's going to hit trump really hard, and i get this feeling that how trump responds to that is going to be pretty telling. stuart: i want to go back to jacked up joe, thing. remember when he appeared for the state of the union, sean hannity said that stuck. clearly it used some kind of energizer. lauren: he's a different person.

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stuart: climate activists stormed pga and pushing impractical and pga agenda and people think the stumps help their cause? right now the largest specialty food -- is underway, the summer fancy food show. madison alworth is there and in a moment, she'll show specialty foods that could end up on the show. we'll be back. ♪

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equity with a reverse mortgage. find out how your home can start taking care of you. the worry every single month to make that payment was gone. our customers' homes are taking care of them. maybe, your home could do the same for you. call aag, the country's #1 reverse mortgage lender, and get your free info kit. call this number stuart: specialty foods growing in popularity. families are skipping the restaurant for food at home, and

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they want specialty foods. madison alworth is right in the middle of it at summer fancy food show in new york. okay, madison, which foods that i cannot get now will be available soon? reporter: okay, stu. here is one of the foods that you cannot get now but you'll get in september. this is a vinegar directly from italy with mandarin and specialty vinegar. that's really big. two themes i've noticed as i've walked the floor on this very tough assignment, two big themes are one specialty items like olive oils straight from italy and from portugal, that's big. spices from all over the world, the reason being people want that, you know, expensive restaurant experience without paying the price. the reason being: food out of home is up over 22% in three years.

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>> i don't know if it's related to glp and ozempic and people are looking for senates that are better for you, higher quality and less processing, protein, et cetera. reporter: jane, you yourself had a major health issue before you started your company; right? >> i did, it's what brought me into the food industry and had a heart attack at 41 and any cardiologist said take yoga and get better food. that's what i did and researched ingredients and came up with recipes and opened up a cafe, started there and what was on the shelves lacked what we have, which is flash frozen food. reporter: flash frozed food and important for that busy family. grab something from the fridge, heat it up and go. you guys are direct to consumer but making your push into grocery stores. at a time when inflation is

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super high. what are you doing to manage the cost of these items so they can still get to your consumer? >> we do everything in house. i did all the packaging myself. we resourced and we got all of our packages done here and we also manufacture ourselves. we don't do any co-packing, it saves on the margins. i'm taking less of a margin to get it out to market in hopes that once we get massive distribution, our costs will come down and even out for us. reporter: okay, best of luck. it's really delicious stuff. thank you so much, jane. that's what's so cool about this show, stu, you see the small companies hoping to become the big name in health foods that taste good and that's the big push this year. stuart. reporter: i'll take it. madison, thank you very much indeed. some retailers and some restaurants are cutting prices believe it or not. this is called summer of discount. i haven't seen anything yet. lauren: it's buy one get one.

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lauren: tomorrow, mcdonalds launches $5 meal and walgreens, wal-mart, target, you name it. bank of america said consumers are stretched and have been since the autumn of 2023. that's why you're starting to see small promotions or discounts here and there, but i guess it all adds up and trying to get the price sensitive customer back in the store and back online shopping. stuart: change the subject for a second. new study and lots of new studies out and showing half of us feel guilty about taking time off for vacation. why would we feel guilty? i do. lauren: i do too. we feel guilty about taking a vacation. working while on vacation. i can't go five days without looking at my e-mail and we do.

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we have no idea what work life balance is. stuart: we have a great work ethic and we have fox business here on varney kansas city chiefs&company. every day we show -- "varney & co." and every day we have the dancing queens and they're in control. those folks work really hard. lauren: but on vacation? thumb's up. stuart: they do. all of them have to be on a 5:0h all of us. did he mention that? what that would do to adjourning 20 something's lifestyle. lauren: no social life. stuart: not at all. they do it and work hard. that's great. okay, talked my way a little bit. look at dow 30 and sense of the market. i sense a lot of buying. we've got almost all of them up, we've got five of them down and the dow is up 346 points. not bad. president biden tries to the ev

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and both can't go far without an arrest and a lot more to it than that. alicia finyard wrote it and she's here to take it on next. ♪ what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business.

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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.

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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: bill nye, you know, the science guy, sounding alarm on so-called climate crisis. lauren, what exactly is he saying? >> this is the start of new normal and we're at a tipping point, that's a quote. unless drastic changes are made. things are only going to get hotter and hotter. he took a not so subtle dig at republicans. >> we have a situation right now here in the united states where one side, one political party isn't acknowledging the problem let alone coming up with a plan to do something about it. furthermore, the other side is

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kowtowing and doing what the fossil fuel industry wants to do and we have to stop putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. lauren: we had a super bad heat wave in new york city and other parts of the country and been hearing for decades we're at tipping point coming to climate change and sounds a bit like the boy who cried wolf. stuart: a guy that cannot recognize his solution is not working and time to change course if you believe our society is in deep trouble. change course. lauren: up sended. stuart: solution they're proposing does not work. that's it. young voters no longer get a charge of the biden presidency. what does he have in common with an electric car? for one, neither can go very far without a rest and young people are increasingly disillusioned

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with both. great writing. alicia finley wrote that for "the wall street journal" and she's with me now. why is biden losing support among young folks? >> number one, it's inpolice station and economy and it's been hurting young people much more so than seniors and looking at improvement rating at 20 or 0 points below water and most think it was better under donald trump. stuart: it's not just electric vehicles, cha are being thrown at -- which are being thrown at youngsters and they don't want it. >> that's right. most young people can't afford a house. i don't know how many people friends, colleagues and family members that are looking to buy a house and today's mortgage interest rate and housing inflation 30, 40% up since the beginning of the pandemic and unaffordable and you're stuck in place. stuart: i thought young folks are climate oriented and in favorite of electric vehicles? >> that's why i thought it was hilarious about the mckenzie

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pole saying 57% of millennials that bought electric vehicles and gas powered cars and terribly inconvenient, they don't charge stuart: climate protesters stormed the pga championship over the weekend. i don't think these tactics rally support for the cause. this is just say no to oil or just drop oil i think is their slogan. by 2030 for heaven's sake. they did the same thing at w wimbledon and the inflation act grants are going and some are going to the radical groups like climate justice alliance that do

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these kinds of things. we worried about russians and basically funding these programs and now u.s. government is. stuart: the olympics that start on july 26, they'll be targeted, i people, by these folks. >> and has nothing to do with climate. it's just drawing attention to themselves. it's narcissistic in my opinion. stuart: sounds like it makes you angry, almost. stuart: and don't interpret soccer. i'd love to see their reactions. time for monday trivia question, i should know the answer to this because i've been around. when did the internet become available to the public. 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993. that i believe to the public.

11:56 am

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12:00 pm

little late but i'm going with 93. >> i'm going with four, 1993 on the grounds that the internet was broken up by netscape, their ego 1993 the assistant of interconnect networks was invented a decade earlier 1993 in release of the public domain april 30, 1993 and right after that release out came netscape with the search engine you could search across all the internet. 1993. >> i don't remember using it, try to do the math not even 30 years old. it is 31 years old, no math on this program ever, our time is up, we're going to count down to "coast to coast", today is anchored by my good friend and colleague ashley webster. >> thank you very much

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